Chapter 36 - Celebrations

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I'm released from the hospital wing the next day. I feel pretty good now. My memory seems pretty normal, and I can remember everything from the last time I woke up. Still, I have to promise to return after dinner each night for a check up for the next two weeks. I head back to my room to shower and change before lunch. I haven't had a shower in Merlin knows how long. I probably smell pretty funky. I just can't tell because I've gone nose blind to it I suppose.

I spend a good forty minutes under the steaming water, letting it melt away the tension in my body. Those beds were not comfortable. I'm so excited to get to sleep in my own soft bed tonight. And to see Mia. George said she visited me often while I was unconscious. I'm glad she didn't skip any classes though. I would hate to be the reason she fell behind.

After I'm scrubbed and in fresh clothes, I head down to the great hall. As I enter, conversation at the entire Hufflepuff table stops. I stand there awkwardly, unsure what to do.

"Heyyyyyy." I give a small wave, and the table bursts into cheers. Oh goodness. What's all this about?

The Hufflepuff quidditch team gets up and hug me, each telling me how glad they are that I'm okay.

"Let's hear it for the Hazel! The toughest Quidditch player this season!" Alex yells, causing the table to burst into cheers again. I blush dark red. I wouldn't go that far, but the house love is nice.

"Thanks guys. I heard we won." I glance around for Mia, wanting to thank her for all the work she's put into placating my mom.

"Yeah we did! I can't believe you kept playing with a shattered elbow!" Edwin shakes his head in disbelief.

"My elbow was shattered?" I touch the arm in question. The joint hurts a tiny bit when I move it, but otherwise seems to be just fine.

"Yeah! And you had a skull fracture from the impact of hitting the ground." Edwin adds, making me feel a bit queasy.

"Ok. I didn't know that. And I didn't want to know that." I chuckle, trying to play it off. "Where's Mia?"

"She went to the owlery. She should be back in a few minutes." Alex guides me to a bench and gestures for me to sit. "In all seriousness. Are you okay?"

"I think so?" I chew my lip, anxieties threatening to resurface. "My memory is doing okay this time around. I'm sorry if I worried the team."

"Don't apologize! If anything, we're sorry we made you feel like you had to push yourself so far for a victory! Players come first, the game second." He wraps an arm around my shoulder protectively. "We could have found someone to sub."

"I know, but I felt like if I just hung in a bit longer, everything would be okay."

"Everything but you." He says causing me to flush with embarrassment.

"Yeah, maybe I didn't think it through fully." I admit, grinning.

"Maybe." He grins back and I know he isn't mad at me. "Now eat up. We've been putting off the victory celebration until you get out of the hospital. Combine that with a Hogsmeade trip, and we'll be taking over The Three Broomsticks."

"I can't wait!" I start filling up my plate, keeping an eye for Mia's return. A few minutes later, a pink faced Mia enters the great hall, followed shortly by none other than a flushed Draco Malfoy. I stifle my giggles as she sits on the other side of me.

"I'm so glad you're out!" She squeezes me a bit too tightly, but I don't mind.

"Me too! We're you having a good morning?" I wink at her.

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