Chapter 124 - Bittersweet Reunions

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Not only is he alive, but he's free.

I fight against the welling panic attack, trying to keep ahold of myself.

Thankfully, they seem done with me, and I am taken back to the witness chamber.  Draco silently hands me Teddy and I bury my face in his chubby neck.  I hold the baby, focusing on his warmth and steady heart rate as I try to calm down. 

How could he have escaped?  Why him of all people? Teddy wiggles a bit in my arms, and I try to hound myself. I'm here for Snape. Carrow isn't here. He has no reason to come after me. My need for justice is well deserved, but not personally urgent. I should be safe.

I pack up my feelings as best as I can and shove them into a tiny box in the corner of my mind. When I stand, my face is neutral.

"You could be a pure blood with an expression like that." Draco comments, his face similarly passive.

"Thanks." I grumble, plopping back in my chair.  I try to tune back into the court proceedings.  I hear the rumble of the judge's voice.

"The statements have been made, if anyone else would like to provide further evidence for either side, the floor is open."


I listen closely, trying to hear any indication of someone stepping forward.  A minute and a half passes in continued silence. 

"Very well.  We will break for the deliberation process."  The judge dismisses the room, and with the bang of the gavel, the onlookers start filing out of the room. I head out into the hall with Draco, Teddy once again holding his hand. I think someone might have a fondness for their Uncle Draco.

I kind of zone out, waiting for the verdict.  I'm all too aware of the eyes on me.  Draco is nice enough to stand with me, partially blocking me.  At long last, the court is called back in session.  This time we stand by the door, trying to hide in the back a bit. 

The whispers cut off as the judge speaks.

"After much deliberation, the wizengamot has reached a verdict."

Everyone listens in anticipation.

"The charges of conspiring with He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named as a Death Eater, Severus Snape is found not guilty."

I let out a sigh of relief.

"Charges for the murder of Albus Dumbledore, not guilty."

I chew my lip.  So far so good.

"Lastly, charges for illegal use of the cruciatus curse, Mr. Snape is found guilty."

My jaw drops.  It was in my defense!  He did it to protect me from Carrow.

"Severus Snape is sentenced to eighteen months house arrest."  The judge concludes, and then trial is over.

I watch as the aurors around Snape unbind him.  I start elbowing through the crowds, tying to get to him.  Draco is right behind me as we try to get to the potions master.  We finally break through the people, and there he is, standing in front of us.

"Hello, sir."  I smile up at him, tears stinging in my eyes.

"Hello Hazel."  He gives me a small smile in return before greeting Draco.  "Hello Mr. Malfoy."

"I'm glad you're alright."  Draco nods to his godfather.

"That's all Hazel's doing."  He chuckles, absentmindedly rubbing the scars on his neck.  I hand Teddy back to Draco for a moment and wrap my arms around my old roommate.

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