Chapter 37 - Falling Apart

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After the big Hufflepuff party, most of the students head home for Easter vacation.  I opt to stay back, giving mom the excuse that Madam Pomfrey needs to keep an eye on me.  My dorm is completely empty, all my roommates option to go home.

I walk down the empty halls of the castle, just enjoying the quietness of it all.  I turn the corner, about to head to the library when I see someone ahead of me.

"Harry?"  I ask, picking up my pace to catch up with him.

"Oh, hey Hazel."  He flashes me a quick grin, shoving his hands into his pockets.  "Surprised to see you here over break."

"My mom is being insufferable."  I wave my hand.  "Is everything going okay?"

"Well, it could be better, honestly."  He shrugs, looking a bit discouraged.  "You know.  Since the... DA and all."

"What do you mean?"  I have no idea what he's talking about.

"The... DA?"  He probs, glancing around.  "That's why Dumbledore isn't here."

"Dumbledore isn't here?"  I nearly shout, catching myself.  "What happened?"

"How do you not know?"  He looks a little frustrated with me.

"I was in the hospital for a traumatic brain injury."  I cross my arms, not appreciating the attitude.  "Unconscious for a bit too."

"Oh.  Sorry.  I didn't know."  He blushes, backpedaling the attitude. "Glad you're okay now."

"Thanks.  Now please just tell me what I missed."  I sigh, uncrossing my arms.

"Well, the DA was ratted out.  Destroyed my relationship if I might add.  Dumbledore took the fall.  But he fled before they could take him to Azkaban.  Now Umbridge is in charge."  He sums up the events that somehow no one had informed me of.

"Holy crap."  I mutter, leaning against a nearby pillar.  "That's some heavy stuff."

"No kidding."  He runs a hand through his hair.  "And yet, I still have to keep studying for OWLS and... other stuff."

"Other stuff?"  This catches my attention.

"Yeah.  Just stuff."  I can tell he doesn't want to talk about it, so I don't push him.

"Umbridge is going to make everything hell, isn't she."

"Look around, Taylor.  She already has."


After Easter break, the halls were a bit more cheery.  Well, for about three days.  Then the detentions Umbridge hands out starts getting to everyone.  I walk down the corridor after potions with my favorite ginger boys.

"So, we're wanting to try out a new product."  Fred is grinning a little too gleefully for my liking.

"It's called a portable swamp."  George discloses.  "One of our more brilliant projects if I do say so myself."

"A portable swamp?  How do you even manage that?"  I laugh at the absurdity of it.

"Magic of course!"  George cheers.  "And mad talent of course."

"Hmm, of course."  I look up at his smiling face.  It's nice to see that he can still find a way to be so happy during all of this.  I'm pretty sure he has detention for the rest of the school year, but that doesn't deter him at all.  I admire his resiliency.  

"Actually, we also have a bit more news."  Fred gives his brother a look and I turn back and forth between the two of them.

"Is everything okay?"

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