Chapter 31 - Tears and Tea

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I no longer owl my parents after the Howler incident.  I feel a bit bad for my dad being caught in the middle of this, but he didn't try to fix anything.  Of course, this means my supply of pens is cut off, and I'm in need of a new supplier. 

Using the information on the back of the package and wizard to muggle transitional postman, I manage to get a supply chain set up directly to the pen company.  It takes a few weeks to get everything set up, but once I do, business is running more smoothly than ever.  Especially with the rate that Umbridge is confiscating them.

I also start looking into job opportunities post graduation.  With the way things are with Voldemort, the economy is complete rubbish.  A lot of the honest shops are being run out of business, and the ministry is too corrupted to consider.  I do have the business agreement with the twins, but that definitely won't be enough to live on.  Especially now that I'm looking at needing a loft.

It seems like a lot of the kids in my year are looking into becoming healers.  I suppose they are in high demand with everything going on.  Still not my cup of tea though.  I'm not one for blood, and I would have terrible beside manners.

I'm sitting in the library, attempting to study, but actually just moping about the future.

"What's on your mind, Taylor."  George Weasley pulls out the chair across from me and sits, mimicking my position by resting his chin in his hands.

"What I'm supposed to do post graduation."  I sigh sadly.  "I was originally planning on going into experimental potions, but that's usually done by the ministry.  And I really don't want to work there right now."

"Afraid they'd turn you into a mini Umbridge?"  He tilts his head to the side, looking like a cute little puppy.

"No.  Just don't want to have to work with a bunch of idiots."  I tilt my head as well.  "You're lucky that you and Fred have everything figured out."

"You could call it luck.  I prefer to call is skill."  He winks causing me to roll my eyes.

"Of course you would."

"You could always come work for Fred and I," he offers.

"Nope!"  I say a bit too quickly.  It's a sweet offer, but I'm not sure Fred would want me around that much.  "I don't want to interfere.  I'd just get in your way."

I try to cover, but it's a pretty crap excuse.

"Come on.  You won't.  Promise."

"How about you talk to Fred about it first.  You can't just hire me without talking to him.  Besides, you probably won't even need me.  I'm just the pen supplier."  I sit back in my chair, needing a bit more space.

"Hazel."  His brows furrow, concerned.  "Don't think so little of yourself.  But, if it makes you feel better, I'll run it by Fred."

"Alright, fine."  I sigh, not sure if this is the best idea.  "Now I need to get some studying done.  So either get out your potions book, or get lost."

"Fine, fine."  His grin is back.  "No need to get testy."


"Hazel!" An angry voice shouts from behind me. I turn around to find a red faced Fred glaring down at me.

"Are you okay? What happened?" I take a step back, nervous. Angry men always make me nervous. Doesn't matter who they are or why they're upset. It just always causes my flight instincts to flare.

"Seriously?" He growls, and I realize he's mad at me. I start immediately tearing up. I don't know what's going on, but I'm terrified. I start looking around for the best escape route.

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