Chapter 102 - Substitute

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The next week, Snape does not let me out of his sight.  Carrow seems to take the headmaster's threat to heart, and now sits at the far end of the table at meal times.  The nightmares haven't let up, but now Snape gives me Dreamless Sleep potions to help me through.

I still feel empty inside.  I haven't found anything that fills the giant hole in my chest, but I'm honestly not looking either.  Right now, I'm just surviving. 

I wake up, eat some toast, sit in Snape's office.  Then lunch, more sitting, and dinner.  After dinner I boil myself in a hot shower before taking my potion and falling asleep.  After a few days of this, the guilt starts eating at me.  I came here to help, but now I'm just in the way. 

I think Snape noticed, because he puts me in charge of scheduling detention.  Meaning whenever a student is given detention, I am notified and can place the student with whichever available teacher I want.  I quickly take the Carrows off of the list as available teachers.

It does make me feel a bit better, but I still feel guilt. 

I try not to think about a certain ginger haired boy.  Thoughts of him make me feel hopeless.  I can't afford that right now.

"Taylor, did you get the detention schedule finished?"  The drawling voice of my constant companion pulls me from my thoughts.

"Yes, sir.  It's right here."  I shuffle through the stack in front of me, pulling out the requested parchment.

"Thank you."  He snatches the paper from my fingers, not even glancing at it.

We resume working in silence until an owl flies in through the cracked window and drops a note on Snape's desk.  The man reads it quickly before tossing it in the bin.

"You will be taking over the remainder of Slughorn's classes today.  A first year blew up a cauldron, and it will take a bit for Pomfrey to treat his burns."  The headmaster says off handedly.

"What?"  I nearly knock over my ink pot.  I quickly grab it to keep it from tipping.

"You are teaching Slughorn's classes today.  His lesson plans are on his desk in his office.  I'd advise you get going if you don't want to be late for the sixth years." 

"Oh.  Okay."  I grab my bag off of the floor and hurry out of the headmaster's office.  Thankfully Slughorn's door is unlocked so I am able to grab the lesson plans.  I've never taught a class before, and I am freaking out a bit.  But I can already hear the students in the hallways, heading to their next classes.  I need to hurry up.

I make it to the classroom a few seconds before class is supposed to start.  I hesitate before pushing open the door to the potions classroom.  The students all turn to look at me as I walk up the center aisle to Slughorn's desk.  I set my book on the desk and turn to face them.

"Um.... Good morning.  Professor Slughorn is in the hospital wing, so I'll be filling in until he's better."  I greet them in a quiet voice.

"What's Snape's little sex toy got to teach us?"  I hear someone mumble, causing the rest of the class to snicker.

"Respect apparently."  I snap, eyes narrowing.  "Now turn to page one thirty six in your texts.  Please carefully review the recipe for the Memory Potion for a few minutes before we begin brewing."

Still mumbling and snickering, the sixth year students flip to the required page and start reading.  I glance over the recipe as well.  I remember this one well as I have brewed several for the Order over the last year.  I find an extra cauldron and set it up on the teacher's desk.  Once everyone is finished reading, I continue with the class.

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