Chapter 72 - New Year's Kiss

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I sit in my apartment, waiting for Mia.  She was supposed to be her fifteen minutes ago.  I try not to worry, but it's difficult.  I look at the note in my hand from Fred.  I had ended up telling him about what happened with Charlie.  I couldn't take the guilt that was eating me up inside.  Fred had just laughed and said that I must miss his kisses, chasing me around with an exaggerated kissy face.  


How are you feeling after Christmas?  I gave the necklace back to George.  He was disappointed, but understood.  Are you planning on swinging by for New Year's Eve?  We've picked out a bunch of fireworks, and I'd love if you got to see them.


I pocket the note, considering the offer.  It would be nice to spend it with people I care about, but I also worry about intruding.

The noise of someone entering through the floo pulls me from my thoughts.  Mia steps out of the fireplace.  She brushes off her jeans and looks up at me.  I immediately know something is wrong.

"What happened?"  I asked, standing up and embracing her.

"Draco broke up with me."  She sniffs, and I can tell she's trying not to cry.

"Why?  You're the best thing that's happened to him!"  I pull away and wipe the fresh tears off of her cheeks.  I hate seeing her cry.

"He said his parents wouldn't approve.  Apparently," she hiccups, "he has to marry a pure-blood."

"Of course."  I seethe, angry that Draco strung her along, probably aware of this the whole time.  While Mia's moms are both witches, her sperm donor's blood status is unknown.  "I'm so sorry, love."  

I set Mia up on the couch while I make her a cup of tea.  I also draft a note to Fred.


I would love to attend the celebration tomorrow.  Would it be okay if I brought Mia?  Her boyfriend broke up with her and I think she could use some cheering.


I bring Mia her tea before sending the note off with my Owlexander.  

"Sorry about that.  I just needed to message Fred back."  I sit on the couch with Mia, cradling my own cup.

"Fred?  Are you back together with him?"  Mia asks, happy for a subject change form her own misery.

"No.  And we were never really together anyway.  Just... friends with benefits."  I cringe saying it out loud.

"I suppose."  Mia takes a sip of the warm liquid.  "I'm still not convinced you won't end up with one of those Weasley boys."

"Well, I made out with one of the older ones at Christmas."  I sneak a glance at her as she spits out her tea in surprise.


"Charlie Weasley.  He works with dragons in Romania.  Very hot, great kisser."  I wink over my cup as she stares at me, mouth agape.

"What!"  She shouts, waving her hand for me to tell her more.

"Christmas eve, we got a bit drunk, got a bit lonely.  Charlie was feeling similar.  And we made out for a bit before passing out."  I shrug, blushing a bit.

"What are you going to do?"  Her eyes are wide.

"Nothing.  We talked the next day, and cleared it up.  Just drunk and lonely, nothing more, nothing less."  I take a slow sip of my tea, watching her.

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