Chapter 15 - Treats of All Kinds

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I don't see Celeste all day, but I figure she's just busy. I actively avoid Edwin and the rest of the quidditch team. That seems like a Monday problem. I spend most of my day in the library studying and doing homework.

That night I decide to visit Rita in the kitchens. This time I bring one of Glacial Snowflakes with me. Wrapped in my fuzzy gray blanket, I enter the kitchen.

"Seriously? Why are you two always here now?" This has been a bit of a sanctuary for me since fourth year. Everything happening with the chamber of secrets had been stressful, and I came down here a lot to get away.

"It's nice." Fred says as the two scoot away from each other so I can sit in between.

"Fine. I guess I'll share." I grumble, taking the seat.

"Rita would probably kick us out if you asked her to." George snickers at the thought of the little elf apperating him back to his room.

"She does have a soft spot for our girl Hazel here." Fred says. "Speaking of which, do you think you could use your sway and get us some of the good stuff?"

"Good stuff?"

"Yeah. Like pastries. Or hot chocolate." George muses. "Perhaps some cakes?"

"I'll ask her. But you could also just befriend her yourself." I suggest, pulling the snowy treat out of my pocket.

"Do you think she'd even want to befriend someone like old Georgie here? I heard some of the fifth years talking, and they all think he stinks." Fred shakes his head sadly.

"Hey! That was one time! And just because I accidentally set off a dung bomb prematurely. Really, you could say it was Ron's fault for not being a good intended target. If he would have been on time for charms, it would have been timed perfectly." George grumbles about his misfortune.

Rita suddenly appears in front of us with a loud crack, causing all three of us the let out a shout.

"Goodness Rita! You startled me so badly!" I place my hand on my rapidly beating heart.

"Us, too." George laughs. "That was one of the best scares I've had in a while."

"Maybe you should try looking in a mirror. That ought to change that." Fred snickers at his brother.

"We look the same you daft idiot!" George reminds him. "If I'm ugly, so are you."

This causes me to giggle as Fred frowns.

"No we don't. I'm far more handsome. Right, Hazel?" Fred turns to me and my giggling stops.

"Um..." I hesitate, not wanting to get involved in all of this.

"She's afraid to tell you the truth." George grins, leaning around me to taunt Fred. "I'm the more handsome one."

The two boys start playfully bickering back and forth about who is more blessed in looks. Shaking my head, I turn to Rita.

"Might I get something sweet?" I request to her softly. She seems a bit concerned about the twins' fighting. "They're just playing, don't worry." I wink at her and she nods her head.

"I'll be right back with that, Miss. Should I bring something for the Mr. Weasleys?" She asks very politely.

"That would be wonderful." I smile warmly and she trots off to fetch something for us. Taking on a firmer tone, I speak to the gingers next to me. "Now you two."

Both boys immediately quiet and sit back in their seats, looking properly chastised.

"You're worrying poor Rita with all your clamoring. Get along, or you shall be sent to bed straight away." Their eyes widen at my words, shocked. That is until I bust out laughing at their expressions. "Geez, I'm not your mom. But seriously, you were worrying Rita a bit."

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