Chapter 20 - Secrets and Smarts

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The next morning, I wake up late.  It's Saturday and it seems like I may have missed breakfast. I lay in bed for a moment before rolling out. I stand and pain shoots through my core. I don't remember why for a second. Then the memories crash in. Oh no. I had sex last night. With Fred Weasley. In one of the kitchen pantries.

Swearing under my breath, I rush to the bathroom. I look in the mirror to find bruises on my neck from his kisses. I move my shirt and find that the marks continue down.  I'm going to have a heck of a time covering these up.  I grab my make up and quickly dab concealer over all the areas.  Goodness knows if Mia sees, she'll ask questions.  And I really don't want to answer any of them. 

Just as I'm finishing up with the make up another thought occurs to me.  Sure, he pulled out, but I'm not enough of a fool to rely on that.  I'll need to take a trip to see Madam Pomfrey.  As embarrassing as that will be, I'd rather have that conversation than the "mom, I'm pregnant" or the "I have an STI" conversation.  Grabbing my book bag for later, I head down to the hospital wing.  I just really hope no one is in there.

Alas, luck is not on my side. None other than Celeste is sitting on one of the beds, talking to Madam Pomfrey. She looks up at me and I feel like she can see everything I've done. But then she smiles, and I nearly laugh at my own absurdness. I return it, and wait by the door for my turn.

"Miss Taylor! Didn't expect to see you back so soon!" Madam Pomfrey greets me. "Nothing broken this time I hope."

"No, ma'am." I assure her.

"You broke something?" Celeste asks, shocked.

"Yeah. Yesterday. I broke a couple of bone during quidditch practice. I'm fine." I brush it off, not really wanting to talk to her about it right now.

"You should have told me! Do you need anything? Are you sure you're okay?" Her eyebrows furrow as she looks me up and down.

"I said I'm fine. And I was going to tell you Monday probably. It wasn't that big of a deal." Why did she of all people have to be in here right now. "Actually, you guys seem busy, so I can come back later."

I turn to leave but Madam Pomfrey stops me.

"Hold your horses. I'll be done here in a minute. Just a bit of minor jinx reversal." She pops something into Celeste's mouth. "I have a feeling those Weasley boys had something to do with it."

I turn bright red as I make the connections. Fred must have talked to George about how things went with Celeste last night. I guess they decided to take matters into their own hands. I want to apologize to Celeste for my accidental involvement, but I can't risk any part of what happened with Fred getting out.

"Oh. What'd they do?" I sit on one of the empty beds.

"Jinxed my cereal spoon. When I picked it up, all my fingers on that hand merged." She holds up her hand and I flinch at the sight. All of her fingers are fused together like a doll's.

"Oh." Is the only thing I manage to say. My alternative was 'ew' so I'm trying my best.

"Yeah. Hopefully it will be over soon. I've got homework. Seems like that's most of life these days." She doesn't look at me when she says this.

"Yep." I stare out one of the big windows behind me. I can see Gryffindor out on the field practicing. I spot a pair of red heads flying around and feel myself blush. From here I can't tell who is who, but even so, images from last night pop into my head.  Fred's hands sliding up my skirt, my hands tangled in his hair.  The way his kisses along my neck made my body tingle.  As much as I hated to admit it, I had a fantastic time.  Do I want to do it again?  Do I want to feel his hands roam my body and whisper my name in my ear.  Do I want-

"Miss Taylor?"  Madam Pomfrey's voice interrupts my train of thought.

"Yes?"  I turn away from the window to face her.

"What can I do for you?"  She asks, putting supplies away in a nearby cabinet.  I look over at Celeste who is watching me.  If I talk now, she'll hear everything.

"Um.  It's a bit of a private matter, ma'am."  I say softly, hoping Celeste doesn't overhear.

"Very well.  I have a private room this way."  She leads me to the back of the hospital wing and through a door I've never noticed before.  She shows me to an exam room and I take a seat on the table.  "Now what is this matter, Miss Taylor?"

"I..." I'm suddenly very nervous to say it out loud.  But I know I need to.  "I am wondering about.... birth control options."

"Ah, yes."  She seems extremely unbothered by my request which instantly makes me feel better.  "We have a couple of options.  First is a potion you drink once a week.  Tastes terrible, but pretty low maintenance.  The second option is a bit more upkeep.  A small capsule you take once a day at the same time.  Doesn't taste as bad, but you have to be really on top of it in order for it to work."

"First option please."  I would definitely forget if I took the second choice.

"Alright then."  She hands me a small bottle and nods for me to drink it.  I quickly chug it.  The taste is quite horrible and sends a shiver through my whole body.  I hand her the empty bottle back and she stores it away.  "Now, just come back once a week for your dose.  Saturdays after breakfast will do just fine.  I'll have a bag with your name on it behind the desk near the front."

She writes something down in a folder and snaps it closed.  "Is there anything else I can help you with?"

"No.  I think that's it."  I'm surprised about how well and easy that was.

"Okay.  I'll see you next week."  She stands up, but seems to remember something.  "Before I forget.  Let me give you something." 

She digs around in one of her drawers and pulls out a small brown paper bag.

"Be smart about things."  She hands me the bag before turning and leading me back to the main area.  I take a peek in the bag as I follow her.  Inside is about a dozen condoms and a pamphlet about magical STIs.  I quickly close the bag and hurry out of the hospital wing.  I need to find someplace to put these before everyone gets back to the dorm.

I turn the corner at the end of the hall and bump into someone.  The force sends me falling back onto my butt and I drop the bag.  Thankfully it stays closed.  I'm about to apologize to whoever I bumped into when I realize it's George.

"Oh.  Hi.  Sorry, I didn't see you.  A bit in my head, I suppose."  I reach for my bag, but another pair of hands grabs it before I can.  I look up into the eyes of none other than Fred Weasley. My heart rate quickens as I start to panic.  I look at the bag in his hands, praying he doesn't open it.

"What've you got here?"  He shakes the bag a little as I scramble to my feet. 

"Can I have that please?"  I reach for it, but he easily holds it over my head.

"I just wanna peek first."  Before I can stop him, he unrolls the top and looks inside.  His eyes dart to mine, surprise written all over his face.  I quickly snatch the bag from him, closing it tightly.

"What was it?"  George asks, now curious as well.

"Just tampons, nothing interesting."  Fred says, but his eyes say otherwise.  He found the contents of my bag to be very interesting indeed.


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