Chapter 13 - Dates and Dares

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I wait outside the castle doors. The wind blows the skirt of my dress, and I smooth it down. Celeste will be here any minute. I'm trying not to be nervous. Mia waves to me encouragingly from across the way. She's going with Ray, Alex, and a few other seventh years. Normally I might have tagged along, but not this time.

"Hi." My heart jumps and I turn to see Celeste. She is wearing a beautiful green sundress with silver beading. She had also woven some silver into her braids. She looks like a dream.

"Hi. Wow." I breathe, taking her in. "You look beautiful."

She laughs lightly and take my hand. Her touch sends butterflies through my stomach.

"Thanks, you do too." She leads up down the path towards Hogsmeade.

"How was your morning?" I'm not really sure how date conversation is supposed to go, but it has to start somewhere.

"It was good! I got some more pen orders." She pulls out a piece of paper from a hidden pocket in her dress and hands it to me. "How was yours?"

"Fine. I've been a bit nervous all morning though." I blush, not meaning to have said that.

"Aw, that's sweet." She gives me a radiant smile, dark brown eyes twinkling brightly.

"Anyways," I quickly try to change the subject. "What do you want to do?"

"How about we get treats from Honeydukes?" She suggests. "All this homework has got me so stressed. I could really use a pick me up."

"Same," I chuckle. "I can't believe how much weekend homework Snape gave us. Pair that with Umbridge wanting us to pretty much memorize her textbook. Goodness, it makes me miss the O.W.L. levels."

"I never thought I'd say it, but I gotta agree. Compared to N.E.W.T.s, O.W.L.s were basic."

We continue to chat about our classes and how things are going. She's taking Astrology instead of Divination. Apparently she's a bit of a skeptic when it comes to seeing the future.

"I get that people can see glimpses and whatnot, and I'm not denying that. I'm more skeptical of a witch or wizard's ability to interpret." She gestures a lot with her hands as she speaks. "Like there is so much ambiguity about say a prophecy. Reading it a certain way without considering other meanings can change the outcome. Personally, I'd rather the future just be a mystery."

"That's a pretty cool view on all of it. I tend to agree that people put too much stock into divination. However, Trelawney is convinced I have 'the gift' and I'm convinced that means an easy 'O.'" I shrug, hoping she doesn't hold that against me.

"Fair enough." She nods, understanding. "Do you think you have 'the gift?'"

"I can make an educated guess as well as the next person."

My response cracks her up. She's so cute when she laughs. Her nose crinkles, and her eyes nearly close from scrunching up her face so much.

"As long as Trelawney believes it, I guess that's all that matters."

We head into Honeydukes and start looking around at all the sweets.

"What's your favorite?" She asks, picking up a chocolate frog.

"Oooh, that's hard." I consider, glancing around at all the options. "Maybe the Glacial Snow Flakes. I like how delicate they are."

She immediately goes over to the display and grabs a few packages. "Excellent choice. Is there anything else you want? It's on me."

"Maybe a sugar quill. Since Umbridge insists I use a quill, it might as well be a tasty one." I turn to the window which the display is sitting in front of. My smile immediately turns to a frown when I see a pair of nosey noses pressed to the glass.

"What do you want?" I mouth at the twins.

Their response is to waggle their eyebrows and make kissy faces. The maturity of these two is truly shocking. I shoot them a glare, and motion for them to go away. Snickering, they oblige.

"What was that all about?" Celeste questions as she steps around me and selects some sugar quills.

"You don't want to know." I'm embarrassed that she noticed them. Hopefully she won't read into it. The last thing I need is for Fred and George to be involved in my potential relationship.

"Why don't you go check on them while I pay." Celeste gives me a knowing look. Great, she saw what they were doing. Absolutely fantastic.

"Alright. I'll be outside." I reluctantly leave her and exit the shop.

"So how's it going?" The twins ambush me.

"It was going fine until you two started embarrassing me! She saw it all, you know." I seethe at the two of them, and they feign innocence.

"We weren't doing anything." Fred protests, acting as if my accusations hurt him.

"We would never!" George adds on, sticking out his lower lip in a pout.

"Shut it you two." I point my finger at them threateningly. "Now, this is my first date, and I will NOT have you two troublemakers ruin it!"

"So it is a date Georgie!" Fred exclaims victoriously.

"We knew there was something going on between the two of you." George crosses his arms, nodding approvingly. "It feels good to be right, Freddy."

"Have you kissed her yet?" Fred butts in. My mouth falls open at his bluntness.

"W-what?" My face, I'm sure, is the color of a sun ripened tomato.

"Did you kiss her?" George repeats, as if my issue was my hearing and not the question.

"That is none of your business!" I whisper yell. "Why do you even care so much?"

"That'll be a no, dear brother." Fred smirks and George copies the expression.

"Just leave us alone for now. I'll see you two later. Back at the castle." I turn to go, but George calls something after me.

"Bet you don't have the nerve."

"Excuse me?" I sputter.

"Bet you're scared to." Fred eggs him on.

"Whatever. It will happen when the time is right. I don't need you two telling me what to do." I walk to the other side of the street and wait for Celeste. After talking amongst themselves for a moment, the boys head off towards Zonko's Joke Shop. A couple of minutes later, she comes out.

I wave, coming back across the street.

"I'm so sorry about all of that." I apologize for the boys' behavior. "You shouldn't have to deal with their shenanigans."

"It's fine. I know what their like." She takes my hand and I feel the tension leave my shoulders. "Want to go get a butterbeer?"



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