Chapter 119 - Parental Controls

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I make it to the entry way of the ministry before I stop again.  What do I do now?  I need a plan.  I need a shower.

But I don't have a home.

Okay.  I'll go to the bank and get some money.  Then, I'll find a place to rent a room for a few days until I can think of something else.  Perhaps I'll move to Muggle London.  Start fresh.  That could be nice.

"Miss Taylor!"  A booming voice behind me causes me to jump, wand at the ready.  "Woah there!  No need for that."  

I drop my wand to my side as Kingsley walks up to me with a wide grin.

"Sorry.  You startled me."

"Congrats on your trial."  He holds out a hand for me to shake.

"I haven't washed my hands since before the battle of Hogwarts.  I wouldn't touch me if I were you."  I warn him, causing him to drop his hand.

"Come, you can clean up in my office."  He offers, nodding for me to follow him.  Since that's the best offer I have at the moment, I do as requested.  What I am not expecting is to be lead to the office of the minister of magic.

"You're Minister now?"  I gasp, gazing around the large room.

"Temporarily.  Once things settle a bit, an official election will be held."  He informs me, bringing me to one of the doors off of his office.  "There's a bathroom in there.  Feel free to use whatever you wish.  We can talk when you're done."

"Thanks."  I shoot him a grateful smile before entering the bathroom.  I guess being minister has it's perks.  This place is nice, and even has a shower.  I don't hesitate to strip and scrub my disgusting body in the hottest water possible.  When I finish, I wrap myself in a towel, staring down at the filthy rags on the floor.  I don't want to put that back on.

"Sir?"  I poke just my head out of the bathroom.

"Yes, Miss Taylor?"  He asks from his desk.

"I don't have any clothes."  I admit, blushing.

"Oh!  I have something here for you.  My secretary got somethings while you were showering."  His hand appears, holding out a small stack of clothing.

"Thanks!"  I squeak, grabbing them and disappearing back into the bathroom.  Its a simple tee shirt dress and underwear, but I have never felt so happy to have clean clothes in my life.  I use my wand to comb and dry my hair before joining Shacklebolt once more.

"You look much better."  He chuckles upon seeing me.

"I feel much better.  Thanks for that."

"No problem.  Have a seat.  I have something pressing to discuss with you."

I sit down in one of the chairs opposite him, folding my hands in my lap.

"As you are aware, there were many casualties during the battle.  Including our dear friends, Tonks and Lupin."  He starts with, and my eyes well with tears.

"Yes."  I choke out, nodding.

"And, you may or may not be aware that they had a child?"  He continues.

"Yes, I know about Teddy."  I sniff, fighting back my emotions.

"Well, before they passed, the couple named legal godparents that would take custody of the child in the event of their death."  Kingsley gives me a pointed look, but I don't understand.  "Harry Potter was named godfather." 

"That makes sense."  I remember how close Harry and Remus were.

"And you were named godmother." 

I stare at him.

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