Chapter 96 - Headmaster's Mistress

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I wake up in my little makeshift bedroom, feeling emotionally like crap. Snape couldn't look me in the eyes after yesterday, and honestly, I don't blame him. I climb out of bed, manually making it as I still don't have possession of my wand. I'm hoping it will be returned later on with good behavior.

I exit my little curtained off area into the designated share space. A box sits on the coffee table with my name written on top. Confused as to who would send me something, I open the box. Inside is five black skirts, five matching black button downs, and two sets of forest green robes. Underneath the robes I find undergarments and knee socks.

While I am thankful to finally have more than one outfit, I wonder where it came from. My question is answered by my roommate as he exits the bathroom, towel drying his hair.

"I requested Narcissa send you some things." He says before disappearing through his side of the curtain.

"Thank you." I pick up the box and retreat to my area as well. I dress in one of the new outfits, feeling strange to be clothed in a green robe instead of my old yellow ones. I pull my hair back into a high ponytail, missing my various hair ribbons and accessories I used to have before the fire.

"Are you ready?" Snape calls through the curtain.

"Yeah." I put the box in the corner as it is my closest now. I reach for my wand out of habit, but obviously it isn't there. I meet the headmaster and follow him out into the halls of the school.

"McGonagall usually arrives first, and will honestly be enraged by your... position." He turns to go to the Great Hall instead of our usual route to the kitchens. With a pang of sadness, I realize that our cozy meals with Rita are over now. "Your official title is Headmaster's Assistant."

"More like Headmaster's Mistress." I snort, causing the man in front of me to choke.

"You are going to be the death of me, Miss Taylor." He mutters, shoving open the doors to the Great Hall. My eyes take in the room that normally is full of kids, but now hold only one other person. McGonagall sits in her usual spot, eyebrows raised in surprise when she sees me.

Snape breezes up to the table in his usual dramatic fashion. I keep my chin high as I follow. This would be a true test of my acting skills.

"Minerva." Snape greets the transfiguration professor.

"Severus." She hisses, her anger barely concealed. "What is Miss Taylor doing here?"

"She is my... personal assistant." He takes his seat, pulling out the chair next to him for me.

"Thank you, sir." I say quietly, sitting down. I put on my biggest adoring eyes and gaze up at him, like he is the center of my universe.

I nearly break character as Minerva McGonagall swears. Snape clears his throat loudly, trying to cover his embarrassment as his long time collogue discovers his little pet. The moment is interrupted as the doors bang open and the Carrow siblings march in, laughing as they gaze around. The man, who I am presuming is who visited us yesterday, jumps onto the Hufflepuff table.

"We should just take out all the Hufflepuffs! They're probably all Mudbloods, but the looks of it." He cackles, earning a cheer from his sister. My jaw clenches and I feel my face heat at the mention of hurting my puffs. I feel a hand on my knee. A silent command to stand down. I take a deep breath, and grip the hand tightly.

"I'm going to teach the first years how to do the cruciatus curse." The man tells his sister.

"I'm going to make all the mudbloods be your test subjects!" She calls, jumping up on the table after him.

After a bit more laughing a jeering, the two come up and find seats at the head table. I try not to appear nervous as the brother takes the seat beside me.

"How was the trip over, Amycus?" Snape asks the man, giving me his name.

"Fine. Nothing worth considering." He shrugs, eyeing me. I scoot slightly closer in my seat to Snape. I don't like the way he looks at me. I feel Snape's fingers lace with mine, trying to give me some reassurance, but it only does so much. I don't have a wand. If Amycus found me alone, I would be helpless.

"And you Alecto?" Snape asks the sister, providing a first name for her as well.

"Fine. When will the food arrive?" She picks up the golden plate in front of her and inspects her reflection.

"Soon."  Snape sighs, seeming as fed up with the new professors as he usually is with his students.

"Soon," Alecto repeats in a mocking voice, dropping the plate on the table.  "I want to eat now!"

"Patience, Professor Carrow."  Snape reprimands, causing the woman to slump in her seat, pouting. The rest of the teachers start to trickle in, the last being Slughorn. The old man bumbles up to the front, mumbling about issues with the floor network.

Breakfast is served and the meal is quite tense. Delicious still though. I enjoy having better quality coffee than I drank back in my flat. I always bought the cheap stuff. After my second cup, I feel energized and alert. I glance over at Snape, and accidentally meet his eyes.

"You have a bit of coffee, my darling." He gently places his hand on my cheek, swiping my upper lip with his thumb.

"Thank you, sir." I whisper, shocked at his gentleness.

He turns away, leaning back in his seat. On the other side of him, McGonagall watches me. I realize that I am going to have to be careful around her. Her keen eye misses nothing, and she senses something is amiss.


After breakfast is a long series of meetings in which the professors prepare for the school year. My job is to organize the headmaster's paperwork, scurrying about, fetching things as if I am a proper assistant.

"As I am now headmaster," Snape looks at McGonagall or a moment before shifting his gaze onward. "Slughorn will be taking over head o house duties for Slytherin."

"You can trust me, Severus." Slughorn nods, eagerly accepting the responsibility.

"And what of Miss Taylor?" McGonagall interrupts, causing me to freeze where I stand, rifling though files. I make my fingers resume moving through the files, not wanting to look like I am listening.

"That is none of your concern." Snape speaks in his signature slow voice.

"Awe, no need to be shy about it Severus." Amycus jeers, getting a laugh out of his sister. "She's his little pet. His dirty little secret. Caught them going at it last night on his desk!"

"Oh, my." Slughorn drops his quill, looking rather uncomfortable.

"You cannot be serious! This is highly inappropriate! A headmaster with... a child mistress!" McGonagall sputters.

"She is of age, and as headmaster, I am the one that deems what is appropriate, Minerva." Snape growls through gritted teeth.

"I don't believe it." She shakes her head, disappointment clear on her face.

"I have nothing to prove. Please focus on your work."


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