Chapter 81 - Chasing

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The next two weeks pass, and still not a peep from Fred. I see George around a couple of times. He asked how my healing was going, but other than that, made no mention of the burns.

Remus had indeed proposed to Tonks, and they are planning a wedding for May. Something small, with just close family. I am so happy for them. Remus seems happier than I've ever seen him. I'll admit, I envy them a bit.

I stare out my window at the Burrow, gazing at the grass below. My eyes trace the path to the front door, where I kissed Fred on New Year's. His lips had been hot on mine, passionate. I close my eyes and remember how his hands felt on me, just the memory sends a tingle through me.

I drop my forehead against the pane, feeling lost. Why does it feel like there's part of me missing? Why does my chest hurt so badly when I think about him?

I need to find a way to think about anything but him. I'll drive myself crazy like this. It's just so hard. When all I want to do is grab him and kiss him once again.

But that image of him looking at my body is burned into my kind. He used to look at me with excitement and appreciation. But last time, that look of horror on his face was terrible. It had been everything I had feared.

And that had been all.

He didn't even owl me, breaking off the agreement. I wasn't even worth that to him.

The hurt in my chest turns into a hard rock of anger. I ball my hand into a fist, fingernails cutting into palm. I slam my fist into the window. The glass gives and splinters under the force. I wince as the shards cut my knuckles. I pull my hand back, cursing myself for being so dumb.

"Reparo!" I cast on the window, mending the glass. My hand is still bleeding, warm blood trickling down my fingers.

Screw this.

I cast a quick bandaging charm on my hand, before grabbing my jacket. If Fred won't come talk to me, I'll go to him. I flick my wand, apparating to the street in front of the joke shop. I run inside, feeling like a mad woman.

"Fred Weasley!" I shout, looking around the near empty store.

"At your service!" Fred steps out from behind a display of snack boxes, sales smile plastered on his face. When he realizes it's me, the smile slips away.

"Are you breaking up with me?" I demand, crossing my arms.


"It's been two weeks! Are you breaking up with me?"

"Hazel, I'm confused." Fred, steps back. "I thought..."

"That you already broke up with me? Well, you must have forgotten." I snap, tears forming in my eyes. "You just left. And I get that, I told you to. But you never came back to talk about it. You never wrote, or anything! And I deserve better than that! If you want to break up with me, then you're going to have to look me in the eyes, and say it!"

"You want me to say it now?" He glances around the shop.

"No!" The tears start falling down my face at this point. "I don't want you to say it at all. I don't want you to break up with me, but since you are, I at least deserve this much!"

"I..." His eyes are wide as he just stares at me.

"What, Fred? You what?"

He closes the space between us in one step, grabbing me roughly by the waist. Before I can process what's happening, his lips are on mine. I melt into him, hands gripping his shirt as my knees go weak. The kiss tastes of salt from my tears, and my chest feels like it's going to explode.

Suddenly he pulls away, brown eyes staring hard into mine.

"You are mine." He says, and I just nod, unable to think very clearly. "Did you think some scars would be enough to take you away from me? It would take a whole lot more than that. As long as I am alive, you're mine."

He kisses me again, and he's right. I am his. Completely. I don't fully understand it, but it's true.


I spend the night at the flat above the shop at Fred's invitation. If you consider him carrying me up the steps as he kisses my neck an invitation.

I lay in his bed, sheets cool against my bare skin. The sun is just rising, the first beams of light peeking though the crack in the curtains. For the first time, I really think about what he said the night before.

'As long as I am alive, you're mine.'

I shiver just thinking about it. I like that he feels so possessive of me. It's sexy. Sexy and... romantic? It almost sounded like... a love declaration. But that couldn't be right... right?

I'm jumping to conclusions. He said nothing about loving me. My mind, however, wanders back to a few other interactions we've had. Back to that time in Percy's room, when he told me about Thea. 'Maybe not by what I did.  But definitely by why I did it.' At the time, for a fleeting second, I had considered that maybe he had feelings.

And there was that moment, at Christmas, where he seemed upset at the prospect of me being interested in Charlie.  And there was that incident in the storeroom where I thought he might be jealous when he caught George and I.

But Fred and I had agreed to be honest about feelings, should they develop. And he has not mentioned anything. I will not let silly suspicions get to me.

Beside me, Fred stirs.

"Hazel." He mumbles, reaching out an arm. He wraps it around my waist and pulls me against his body.

"Good morning, Fred." I smile as he nuzzles into my neck.

"You smell good." He hums, planting kisses under my ear.

"I'm glad you think so." I squirm as his breath tickles.

"Are you trying to get away?" He grumbles, arm tightening around me.

"Not at all," I giggle, still getting tickled by his breath.

"Good." He murmurs, quickly rolling over, deftly pinning me to the bed with his body. "I like you, right here."

"Right here as in with you? Or as in under you?" I tease.

"Both." He dips his face down, giving me a slow kiss. I start to kiss back, but his lips leave mine, moving to my neck. He slowly trails down, over my collar bones, across my breasts, pausing to give each one some attention. He keeps moving further down, and I gasp when he kisses along my hip, down to my thigh.

"Fred!" My voice shakes a little in anticipation. I feel him smile against my skin as he shifts to my inner thigh. I close my eyes, taking deep breaths.

His lips reach their destination, and my hands clench in his hair, holding on for dear life.


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