Chapter 18 - Clavicles and Confessions

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Quidditch practice after classes is very unpleasant. For starters, it is a downpour. I can barely see my own broom in front of me, much less a bludger or another player. However, Alex insists on us continuing practice. Games aren't cancelled for things such as weather. Games have been played in blizzards and hurricanes. Once even with a tornado in the vicinity. Rain is 'child's play' according to Alex. Needless to say, he is not my favorite person at the moment.

I fly around the outskirts of the field, searching for a bludger.  Finally spotting one, I fly over to it.  Unfortunately, Edwin seems to have the same idea.  Not seeing each other until it's too late, we collide.  I start to slip off my broom.  I try to tighten my grip, but its too wet from the rain.  My fingers slip over the polished wood and I find myself plummeting through the sky.

I'm too shocked to scream.  I just watch as clouds as I fall faster than the rain.  Just as I'm about to hit the ground, I'm intercepted.  All the wind is knocked from me as someone grabs me.  I frantically cling to them as they attempt to steer the now lopsided broom.  The broom dips a couple of times before crashing into the muddy ground, catapulting us.  I feel something in my shoulder snap as I land on my side, rolling a few feet.

Pain radiates through my clavicle and down my arm, causing me to curl up.  I can't breathe, I can't move.  I hear the sounds of boots hitting mud as the other players land.

"Alex!"  I heard one of the other players yell, but I don't know who.  Someone runs over to me and places a hand on my shoulder.

"Hazel?"  Edwin kneels beside me.  "Are you okay?"

"I think I broke something."  I gasp.  Talking made the pain worse.

"Zach went to get Madam Pomfrey.  It's going to be okay."  He stays beside me.

"How's..."  I can't finish the sentence.

"Alex?  He seems okay.  He did quite the dive to catch you.  Here he comes."

More footsteps approach as the rest of the team comes over.

"You okay, Taylor?"  Alex asks me.  I don't even try to answer.  Thankfully Edwin's got me covered.

"She said she thinks she broke something.  I think it hurts her to talk."

"Hopefully Zach will be here in a couple of minutes."  Alex keeps an eye out for them.

I start to shiver as the rain chills me.  The subtle shaking makes everything hurt even more.  Edwin notices and casts a water rappelling and warming charm on me.  I immediately relax a little as the warmth stops my shaking.  I open my mouth to thank him, but he just shushes me.

"No more talking.  You're welcome."  He gently moves my wet hair out of my eyes.  "You're going to be fine." 

Madam Pomfrey and Zach arrive within a couple of minute and I'm taken back to the hospital wing.  All the other players are shooed from the room.  Edwin gives my hand a light squeeze and heads out with the others.

"Alright, lets see what Quidditch has done to yet another of my students."  Madam Pomfrey huffs and sets to work examining me.  The whole time she's muttering under her breath about how much she dislikes Quidditch.  I guess she sees players in here quite often.

"It seems that you have a broken clavicle and a broken rib, sweetie.  Will only take a moment."  She casts a quick spell on both of my injuries.  I let out a small scream as the bone snap into place.  Apparently healing bones hurts just as much as breaking them.

"Thanks,"  I tell her, sitting up.  It finally doesn't hurt to breath anymore.

"Try not to give me any more visits, hm?"  She gives me a disapproving look.  She can only keep it for a few seconds before she smiles kindly at me.  "You take care dear."

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