Chapter 6 - Fireside Friends

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That night in the Hufflepuff common room, I'm curled up in an armchair, reading about the differences between morning dew and spring water mist for potion brewing.  Apparently morning dew brings more sturdy and consistent qualities while spring water mist is more subtle, yet chaotic.  I'm doing my best to be as thorough as possible since I have do write a five hundred word essay on the differences, due Wednesday.

"Hazel!"  I look up to see Mia bounding in from the girl's dormitory.  "I've been searching for you for forever!  Have you been here this whole time?"  She throws herself down in the seat across from me, swinging her feet.

"Well, only for the past forty minutes or so."  I close my book.  I probably have read enough on that subject anyway.  The essay shouldn't be too hard to crank out during free period tomorrow.

"I've walked through here at least eight times and missed you every single one.  Maybe it's because your shirt matches the chair too well."  She laughs, pointing out that the chair and I do indeed have similar taste in fashion.

"We like to be comfy."  I defend both myself and the chair, sticking out my lower lip.  "Besides, we're cute."

"Oh, Hazel."  She crinkles her nose at me.  "Only you would be pleased to match your armchair."

I don't quite know how to take that, so I just shrug it off.

"Guess what I did today?"  I lean closer to her, excited to tell her about Celeste.

"Already managed to score all Outstandings ever though it's the first day?"  She exaggerates my academic capabilities.

"No, silly.  Better than that."

"Better?  And what could be better than that to you?"

"I made a new friend!"  I tell her proudly.  She's been teasing me about making new friends since about third year.  I've always been too shy to actually do it.

"Really?  You wouldn't joke about this would you?"  Her eyes widen and her mouth drops open slightly.  "You better not be kidding."

"I did!  She's wonderful!  She's a seventh year like us.  Her favorite class is potions, and we actually have a few classes together."  I gush, thrilled to tell Mia everything.

"Oh that's wonderful!  Is she a Ravenclaw?  She sounds like one if her favorite class is potions."

"Nope!  She's a Slytherin!"  Mia's face falls slightly, but I push on.  "Her name is Celeste.  She's super kind and really pretty.  I think you'd like her a lot."

"I'm happy for you, Hazel."  Her smile doesn't quite reach her eyes now.  "Just be careful, okay?"

"Careful?  About what?"  I know she's implying that I shouldn't be friends with Celeste due to her being a Slytherin, but I want to see if she'll own up to it.

"Just...  Be careful."  With that, she gets up, seeming to be tired of our conversation.  "I'm going to head to bed.  Goodnight."  She disappears back to our room and I feel a pang of disappointment.  If we judge Slytherins solely based on their house, doesn't that make us just as bad as them?

Clutching my book to my chest, I decide to sneak to the kitchens for a late night snack.  Maybe something sweet will make this feeling go away.

I creep through the common room exit, and tip toe over to the giant kitchen hearth.  I stop suddenly when I see two other forms already in front of the fire eating.  One of them turns and sees me, recognizing me at the same moment I do them.

"Hazel!"  George whisper yells to me, quickly standing.  Fred looks over to me, but doesn't bother to get up.  "What are you doing here?"

"Snack.  Same as you I suppose."  I make my way over and one of the house elves named Rita brings me a raspberry scone and a warm cup of tea.  "Thank you Rita."  I pull out a bright purple rhinestone from my pocket and hand it to her.  "I saw this the other day and it made me think of you."

The small creature takes it and looks at it in awe.  "You brought this specifically for me?"

"Of course."  I grin, sitting.  "You're my favorite.  Don't tell Greg though."

"I won't tell."  She grins back at me before skipping away with her new treasure.

"So you're friends with the house elves, huh?"  Fred asks, eying the snack Rita brought me.

"Yeah.  I'm rubbish company, but they don't mind at least."  I look at the fire and carefully sip my beverage.

"Seems like a worthy investment."  George comments, holding up the plain biscuit he is eating.  "Your snack is far superior to ours.  They must have been saving the best for you."

"It's not like that."  I blush, upset that they insinuated that I was only nice to the house elves for treats.  "I genuinely like the elves.  They're so sweet and kind."

"Of course you do."  Fred covers for his brother.  "Very Hufflepuff of you."

I know he's just trying to appease me after what George just said, but I can't help but feel a bit of pride.  I'm not generally considered the best Hufflepuff.  I'm not a social butterfly by any means.

"Thank you."  I smile, looking into my tea.  "No ones ever said that before."

"That you're a Hufflepuff?"  Fred questions, obviously very confused.

"Not exactly.  That I'm very Hufflepuff.  Or a good Hufflepuff.  Or anything like that."  I trail off, realizing how pathetic I sound.

"Well, maybe you're just a different type of Hufflepuff."  He grins, poking my cheek.  "I think you're a great Hufflepuff."

I really hope the fire disguises my blush.


I manage to sneak back to my room without any trouble and I hope the same goes for the boys.  I quietly crawl into bed, making sure not to disturb the other girls.  I close my eyes and let my mind drift where it may.

I find myself thinking about Fred Weasley's words.  A great Hufflepuff.  My face warms again, just at the memory.  Maybe he's not so annoying after all.  Maybe he's really sweet.  I feel an unfamiliar flutter in my stomach and it makes me feel as light as air.  Maybe Fred Weasley would be a good friend to have.  And goodness knows, if you get one, you get both.

I drift off to sleep, determined to become friends with the twins.  Three new friend in one day isn't too bad at all.


Weasley Twins - A Fate You Can't EscapeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora