Chapter 21 - Study Break

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The school year trudges on. The weather cools as fall hits full force. Jumpers are gotten out and leaves fill the outer courtyards. Business is going great. If sales keep going the way they are, I'll have a decent bit saved after graduation. Those a bit awkward at first, things with Celeste bloom into a steady friendship. I was hurt for a bit, but am able to get past it.

Things with Fred are a bit tense. We haven't had any alone time since that night. We haven't even been able to talk about it. Instead, we just have stolen looks and secret smirks to convey any sort of acknowledgement. We've tried to get each other alone, but it never works out. Sometimes it Mia who interrupts, other times it's George. Either way, it's been a month, and I need to think of a way to talk to him.

Halloween is approaching and the castle is abuzz with excitement. Pumpkins and gourds decorate the halls and garlands of leaves hang along the arch ways. It's a week until the Halloween Feast and it seems to be all anyone can talk about.

Mia and I are walking to lunch together. We met up after charms class.

"I'm so excited to stuff my face!" Mia exclaims, practically skipping. "All the foods and the desserts! I personally think it's better than the welcome feast. But that may just be because of all the extra candy about."

"Just try not to make yourself sick this year." I giggle remembering last year. She had been up until the wee hours, laying on the bathroom floor.

"It's not my fault my body is weak." She scoffs, not committing to anything.

"Well I'm not going to hold your hair back this time." I warn as we enter the great hall. My eyes automatically drift to Gryffindor table, searching for Fred. As if he senses my gaze, he looks up from his plate and our eyes meet. He quirks an eyebrow suggestively and I can't help the small smile the spreads across my face. We quickly break eye contact and I take a seat with Mia. She's still going on about the feast, but I'm tuning her out.

I'm trying to think of a way to contact Fred. Suddenly, it hits me. How could I have been this stupid? The answer is so obvious.

I hurriedly shovel down some food, making an excuse about needing to get some homework from my room. I hustle back, grabbing one of the password pens off my desk. I can't believe I didn't think of it sooner. I whisper the password to the pen and quickly write a note.

'meet me by the lake after class.


As I write, the letter disappear into the paper. I shove it into my pocket, grab my books, and head to the library. I had already made plans to study potions with the boys during free period, so it should be easy enough to get the note to Fred.

In my haste, I realize I've arrived a bit early. I just go ahead and claim a table by dropping my bag on it. Might as well use this time to search for some source material or my Transfiguration essay. I search the stacks, managing to find a few that should work. When I arrive back at the table, both boys are there.

"Hello!" I sit next to Fred, plopping the books on the table with a thud. "How's your day been?"

"Good." Fred says, opening his book.

"Better with you in it." George teases, taking his out as well.

"That's good to hear." I shove the transfiguration books into my bag and grab my copy of Advanced Potion Making. As I start to sit up, I drop the note into Fred's lap. He doesn't notice at first, but quickly shoves it in his bag when he does. We begin to read the chapter over and Fred kicks my foot to get my attention.

I look up to see him giving me a questioning look. I subtly hold up one of my gel pens to let him know it had password ink. He nods then raises an eyebrow, asking for the password.

"Pantry." I mouth, giving him a wink. Smiling like an idiot, he returns to his reading. I try to do the same, but it's pretty hard to focus. Especially because Fred keeps playing with my foot under the table. I'm rereading the paragraph on wand motions for the sixth time, when I feel his hand on my thigh. I forget how to breathe when his fingers slide up and under the bottom of my skirt. He doesn't go any further than the top of my thigh, but it still makes my hands shake.

Mia and Celeste join us later on, but that doesn't deter Fred. He traces light circles on the inside of my thigh and it takes all of my self control to even pretend to be studying. In reality, all I can think about is where his hand is and where I want it to go. I risk a glance up at him and see his smug expression. He's enjoying this a bit too much. He's enjoying watching me squirm.

"I need to use the restroom, I'll be back." I abruptly stand and rush out of the library. I head to the girls room and lean against the door as it shuts behind me. Thankfully it's empty, and I take a few moments to calm myself. With my eyes closed, I take deep breaths. Slowly my heart rate returns to normal and the warm knot in my stomach loosens.

I am about to leave when suddenly the door bursts open, knocking me back.

"Ow!" I yell, as the cold stone floor smacks against my butt.

"Sorry!" The person on the other side of the door apologizes and I groan, instantly recognizing it.

"What are you doing?" I hiss, scrambling to my feet as they enter.

"I wanted to see how you were doing." Fred grins.

"Haven't you done enough." I roll my eyes at him.

"Not nearly." He grabs my wrist, pulling me to him. "There is so much more I want to do to you."

"Oh." I squeak, the warm feeling returning to my stomach. "Like what?"

"I could tell you." He whispers in my ear, his breath sending a shiver through me. "Or I could show you."

I need no other convincing. "Yes, please."

"You always ask so nicely." He holds my chin in his hand, staring straight into my eyes.

"Please." My heart rate is racing with anticipation.

With a quick smirk, he finally kisses me again and I immediately deepen the kiss, pushing my tongue into his mouth. His hands roughly reach around and grab my butt, picking me up. He carries me over and sets me on the bathroom counter next to the sinks, standing between my thighs.

His fingers begin to trace circles on the inside of my thighs like in the library.

"Fred." I moan his name softly as his lips move to my next.

"Do you like this?" He asks, sliding his hand up a bit further, brushing against my underwear.

"Yes." I gasp, clenching my thighs around his hips.

"Do you want me to keep going?" He slides a hand down my neck possessively.

"Yes, Fred. Please." I try to push myself against his hand, but he pulls back a little.

"Are you sure?" He teases me by dragging his hand back down to my knee.

"Fred, I swear," I growl, getting increasingly frustrated.

Satisfied with my consent, he slips his fingers into my panties.


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