Chapter 94 - Teacher's Pet

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Snape takes me to what I presume is his bedroom. I feel weird being in here. The man closes the door, muttering a silencing charm around the room as I stand there on shaky legs. Once he's done, he gestures for me to sit. I sink onto the bed, my knees giving out completly.

"I'm sorry Professor. I didn't mean for this to happen." I start to explain, but Snape held up a hand.

"The Dark Lord drew conclusions he wished to see." The man sighs, rubbing his face with a hand. "And now we are both stuck with the fallout."

"I'm sorry, sir." I mutter, embarrassed.

"It's fine." The man waves me off. "The bathroom is through there, and I'll send Draco for some clothes. We will be leaving for Hogwarts in the morning. There, things will be able to be a bit more... separate."

"Yes, sir." I nod, preparing to stand. I'm not sure my legs are going to work properly though.

"Taylor, can you walk?" He asks, causing me to blush.

"I guess we'll find out." I shrug, climbing to my feet. I sway unsteadily, and he sighs with disappointment.

"You better be worth the effort." He frowns, scooping me up and taking me into the bathroom. He sets me down on the edge of the tub. "You are on your own from here."

"Thank you, sir."

He just blinks slowly, before leaving in a flurry of robes.

I peel off my disgusting clothing, tossing them in the trash can, before filling the tub with hot water and bubbles. I don't trust myself to be able to stand the duration of a shower. I ease into the water, sighing as it washes over my skin. I slowly work on scrubbing every inch of my body, feeling more human than I have since I left the Burrow. I wash my hair, carefully combing out the mess of tangles that thrashing on the floor of Bellatrix's office caused.

Once I feel clean, I climb out, letting the now dirty water down the drain. I wrap myself in one of the clean towels, wrapping a second one around my hair. I don't have a toothbrush yet, so I just use my finger and some of Snape's toothpaste to get the job done.

I am brushing my hair when someone knocks on the bathroom door. I set the brush down and open it to reveal Professor Snape holding a set of folded clothes. His eyes narrow as he looks me up and down. For a moment, I panic, but then I realize he's looking at my scars.

"What happened to you?" He asks, handing the bundle to me.

"Fiendfyre. They set my home on fire. I was burned saving my roommate."

"How long?" He asks, oddly sounding concerned.

"It was a Valentine's day gift." I shook my head, remembering the beastly flames.

"I'm sorry."

"Thanks." I give him a half smile. "Thanks for everything."

He just nods and closes the door so I can change out of my towel. I unfold the bundle, pulling out a simple black dress, tights, and a Slytherin green cardigan. I pull them on, marveling in the luxury of the materials. No wonder Draco always looked so fancy.

I tidy up the bathroom before I leave, making sure not to leave hair anywhere. After seven years of sharing a dorm with girls, I know how annoying that can be.

I step back into Snape's room and find him writing a letter at the desk. I quietly sit on the bed, not wanting to disrupt him. He finishes his note, then passes the letter to the owl in the window. The bird takes off, leaving a feather on the man's desk.

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