Chapter 1 - Train Ride Home

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I drag my trunk along platform nine and three quarters.  The platform is buzzing with activity.  First years nervously cling to their parents, unsure of what to do.  Groups of older students excitedly greet their friends after a long summer apart.  The train hisses loudly, adding to the chaos.

I take a deep breath, focusing on what I need to do and trying not to get overwhelmed.  Finally I spot my best friend Mia.  I wave, trying to get her attention.  She's standing towards the back of the platform, talking to her parents.  I approach them and I can hear her moms making sure she didn't forget anything.

"You remembered your robes?  All of them?"  Mama Ava asks her, straightening the collar of her daughter's shirt.

"And your wand?  You better have not forgot your wand again."  Her other mom Clare pipes in.

"Mama, yes.  I have all of my robes.  And I didn't forget my wand, Mom."  She pulls out the carved piece of wood to reassure her parents. 

"Alright, sweetie."  They kiss both sides of her head and I feel a pang of jealousy.  My parents and I have a decent relationship, but they aren't the most affectionate.

"Hi."  I say quietly, worried I'm interrupting.

"Hazel!"  Mama Ava exclaims and wraps me in a hug.  "It's so good to see you again!  Look how much you've grown!  I swear you've grown three inches over the summer!"

"Let her breathe."  Mom Clare laughs gives me a quick hug as well.

Once her moms have had their turn, Mia finally gets to hug me.

"I have missed you so much!"  She squeals.  "I can't believe we didn't get to see each other all summer!  We have so much to catch up on!"

"Were the multipage owl letters incomplete?"  I grin, hugging her back.  "I swear I have a written account of every minute of your summer."

"Maybe not every minute."  She pulls away and grabs the handle of her trunk.  "Come on, lets go find a compartment.  If we have to share with the first years again, I will jump off the train."

"They're not that bad."  I mumble, following suit.  We tell her parents goodbye and clamber on the train.  We find an empty compartment in the middle of the train and claim it as our own.  We get settled in, and Mia pulls out a large bag of snacks.

"I came prepared this year,"  She opens it to show me the contents.  A colorful array of muggle and wizard treats fill it.

"Girl!  That is so much!  How are you going to eat all of that?"  I reach in and pull out a piece of muggle chocolate.

"I don't plan to eat it all.  I plan to sell some of it to the first and second years.  Since they can't go to Hogsmeade, they'll be desperate."  She closes the bag and puts it away.

"This is why you were never made a prefect."  I snicker, shoving the candy into my mouth.

"Yeah, but what's your excuse, hmm?"  She crinkles her nose sassily.

"I didn't want to."  I shrug, dismissing it.  They actually asked me to in fifth year, but was already stressed out too much.  "Want to see what my parents bought me for an early birthday present?"

"Yes!"  She bounces in her seat.  My parents always got me really cool gifts for holidays and birthdays, and she knows it.  I carefully reach into my bag and pull it out.

"Oh my god!  I can't believe you got a Discman!"  She gingerly takes it from my hands and inspects it.  "These things are so expensive!"

"Yeah.  I think they were feeling a bit guilty about not being able to drop me off today."  I take it back and pop in one of my new CDs.

"They didn't come?"  She asks softly.

"Yeah, its not a big deal," I try to ignore the pity in her voice.  "They had a really important business trip."

"Yeah, but this is also really important!"  She argues, angry with my parents.  "This is your last year!"

"Mia, please drop it."  I pull out my headphones, turning the speakers so we can both hear.  "Do you want to listen?"

"Sure."  She smiles, agreeing not to mention my parents anymore.

We spend a good portion of the trip listening to music and playing games in her notebook.  Although after the third game of MASH in a row where she was supposed to marry Malfoy, she called it quits.

"Did you rig it?"  She accuses, staring at the paper in front of her.

"No!"  I laugh at her expression.  Her eyebrows are furrowed, trying to figure out how it could have happened.  "Maybe it's just a fate you can't escape."

"Well then I guess you'll just have to marry BOTH Weasley twins."  She retorts before snapping the notebook closed.  "At least we'll both live in mansions.  Maybe they can be next door to each other."

"Ooh!  We could share one of those big inground pools!"  I add.  "And we can host joint parties to show it off to all of our friends."

"Hazel!  Look!  It's your husbands!"  Mia elbows me, nodding to the door or our compartment.  Fred and George walk up to the door, pausing right in front of it.  For a paranoid moment, I think they've heard.  My face heats up, but I quickly realize that they've stopped to talk to Lee Jordan.

"Mia!  Shut up!  What if they heard you?"  I growl, sinking down in my seat.

"Maybe it's a fate you can't escape."  She teases, throwing my own words right back at me.

"I wouldn't want to date even one of them.  Much less both."  I huff, crossing my arms.

"Calm your beans.  I was just teasing.  It's just a game."  She rolls her eyes.  "Besides, the odds of me dating Malfoy is like zero percent."

"Imagine, me dating the Weasleys and you dating the weasel."  I quip sending both of us into a fit of giggles.  Our giggles catch the boys attention and they turn to the car.

One of the twins, I don't know which, raises and eyebrow at me.  The other one just smirks.  Mia and I wave to them, still giggling.  They give a quick wave back before continuing down the hall to a different compartment.

"So what are you most excited to eat at dinner tonight?"  Mia asks, changing the subject.

"Definitely dessert."


And that's a wrap for chapter one!  This is my first time writing any sort of Hogwarts stories, so please let me know what you think!

xoxo <3

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