Chapter 28 - Snakes and Eagles

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A week after class is back in session, the third match of the season takes place. Slytherin versus Ravenclaw. It's not as heated of a match as the Slytherin versus Gryffindor, but any match with Slytherin is bound to be dramatic. The stands are full of students decked out in blue and green. Sporting a green jumper I borrowed from Celeste, I make my way through the crowd. A few students in Ravenclaw boo me as I pass, but I shrug it off. I take a seat next to my friend with a sigh.

"Is this what you go through all the time? You think I had a dark mark with the way some of these kids look at me." I glare at a couple of younger kids who are flipping us off.

"Pretty much. It's hard to have house pride sometimes when everyone hates you for it." She flips the kids off in return, shouting down to them. "Find someone who cares!"

The kids sneer, but turn back to face the pitch. I tuck my fingers into the sleeves of the jumper and pull my hat further over my ears. The cold January air is starting to make my nose run.

"Thanks for sitting with me." Celeste passes me a chocolate frog to munch on while we watch the match. "Malfoy and I got into a fight the other day and now half of the house is avoiding me."

"Seriously? What is with that kid?" I shrug and nibble on the treat. A few minutes later, Mia stumbles up the stands wearing an oversized Slytherin jumper and scarf.

"Shut up, or I'll hex you and your mom!" She shouts at a jeering fifth year, chucking a muffin at him. He tries to duck, but ends up getting a face full of blueberry goodness. She falls into the seat next to me and groans. "I was going to eat that muffin."

"Sorry, Mia." I rub her shoulder and she lets her head fall forward.

"I didn't know you'd be rooting for Slytherin too." Celeste grins at my bestie.

"It's... recent." She blushes, staring out at the field.

"Sure it is." I grin and Celeste gives me a confused look. I just shake my head at her, rolling my eyes.

"Sure what is?" Two voices behind us cause all three of us to jump.

"Weasleys!" Celeste says it like a swear.

"Yes?" The both lean down, faces on either side of me.

"If you sneak up on us one more time, I'm not responsible what happens to you." The girl threatens them, causing them both to chuckle.

"Fair enough." Fred concedes on my right.

"So you guys are on the snakes' side?" George asks from my left.

"Obviously. We like to be on the winning side." I scratch both of their chins like little puppies. "You two wouldn't know what that's like."

"Hey! We've won plenty of things!" Fred protests as they both settle into the seats behind us. "Just like Ravenclaw is going to win the match."

"You're delusional," Mia smirks. "Ravenclaw doesn't have the determination to play to win like Slytherin."

"Playing fair is still playing to win!" George argues, sending everyone into a friendly, but heated debate on the outcome of the match. I tune them all out and focus on the players below. I haven't played against Slytherin yet, and despite the fact that I'm currently cheering for them, I want to crush them when we go up against them come spring.

The game begins and I watch for weaknesses. After a while, I notice whenever Crabbe swings, he tilts a bit to the left. Goyle seem to have trouble keeping up with unpredictable flight patterns. He always expects the obvious route. Malfoy seems to get distracted a lot by the wind blowing his hair. Seems like the precious little ferret isn't all he's cracked up to be.

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