Chapter 97 - Back to School

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I sit at the head table next to Snape, waiting for the arrival of students. There is a particular student I am dreading seeing. There's a decent chance she'll jinx me as soon as she sees me. Merlin knows I do not want to be on the bad side of Ginerva Weasley.

I keep my back straight as the sound of people in the corridor echo into the room. The older students start taking their seats at their house tables. Whispering to each other as they take note of the staff. I keep my eyes trained on the door, waiting for the girl I consider a sister. At last, she marches into the room, flanked by Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood.

Her gaze travels along the room, stopping at me. Her face is blank as we stare at each other. I don't know what she's thinking.

I startle slightly as I feel Snape lean in, whispering in my ear.

"Composure Taylor."

I nod, watching as Ginny's face twists with disgust. She grabs Neville's arm and marches off to the Gryffindor table.

Hagrid enters the room a few moments later, escorting a terrified group of first years. The sorting hat does not sing this year, adding to the solemn atmosphere. The first years are called up by McGonagall, quickly sorted into their houses, with the Carrows booing whenever someone gets sorted into Gryffindor.

The feast begins, but I don't feel much like eating.  I pick over my food, consumed by thoughts of Fred.  I don't even bother pretending to eat when dessert comes around.  I just stare vacantly at the table in front of me, regretting many things.

"Darling, are you feeling okay?"  The headmaster asks me, pulling me from my thoughts.

"Yes, sir."  I look up at him, forcing a smile onto my face.  Aware of the judging eyes of Amycus on my left, I add on, "you look very handsome tonight, sir."

"Thank you, darling.  You look beautiful as well."  He responds in kind.  I hear Amycus playfully gag beside me.  I think of shirtless Fred, summoning an appropriate blush to my cheeks.  "Why don't you wait for me in my quarters."

"Yes, sir."  I agree, standing.  Before I can leave though, Snape grabs my hand, pressing a kiss to my knuckles.  I summon up my adoring smile once again before exiting the great hall.

Once alone in the hallway, I lean against the doorframe, taking a few deep breaths.  I want to find Ginny and explain everything.  I want to ask her how Fred is, and apologize for how I left.  But then the image of the first years entering the hall pops up in my head.  I swallow hard, steeling my resolve.  I can do this.  This isn't about me.


The first day of classes arrive, and Snape sends me out to patrol the hallways.  He'd rather me find the students than the Carrows.  I still don't have a wand, but I'm hoping that will be returned in time.

I pass by Gryffindor common room just as the portrait swings open.  I freeze, eyes wide as Ginny Weasley pokes her head out. 

"You should be in class."  I say around the lump in my throat.

"You going to give me detention?"  She challenges, daring me to.

"No.  But if you're going to sneak around, at least use the tunnel behind that tapestry."  I raise my eyebrows, nodding to the fabric hanging down the hallway.

"What?"  She takes a half step back, not understanding.

"The tapestry.  Go quickly.  You'd rather not suffer detention, would you?"  I continue on, leaving a puzzled Ginny behind.  After I wander past the library, I head down to the Dark Arts classroom.  Amycus has his first class, and I want to show my... support. 

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