Chapter 76 - Rescuing Roommates

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February this year doesn't feel very romantic. Couples aren't seen strolling Diagon Alley, arm in arm. No one hangs love hearts in their shop windows. Big romantic gestures are forgotten. I take on a few extra patrols at Hogwarts to get away from the now depressing Diagon Alley.

Valentine's Day comes around, and at the request of Tonks, I fill in for her patrol shift. I think her and Remus have something romantic planned. Part of me is hoping she'll have a ring on her finger the next time I see her.  So, on my day off, I still have to drag my butt out of bed ridiculously early.  I dress in jeans and a cozy jumper, wrapping the scarf Molly Weasley gave me around my neck.  Throwing on my boots, I apparate to Hogsmeade.  While is isn't snowing actively, there is still a crunchy layer of slush covering the ground.  I walk carefully up the path to the castle, hands tucked in my sleeves for warmth. 

When I enter the Great Hall, breakfast is just beginning.  I few students are trickling in as the early risers fuel up for the day.  I wave to Edwin as I  head up to check in for patrol. 

Snape's follow me as I make my way up through the rows, and I feel myself shrink a bit.  Even his gaze is cold and unkind.

"Hello, Miss Taylor."  McGonagall greets me and gestures for me to have a seat.  "Your patrol partners will be here shortly."

"Thank you."  I take the free seat on the other side of Snape, being careful not to touch him. I sit there silently, trying not to look as awkward as I feel.

"Would you like some coffee, Miss Taylor?" Snape asks slowly, arching a single eyebrow.

"Uh, sure. Thanks." I give him a nervous smile, a bit confused as to why he's being polite. Maybe he just doesn't like kids, and I'm enough of an adult now to be somewhat tolerable. His hands deftly pour me a mug, adding the perfect amount of cream and sugar. He slides it to me. How did he know the perfect balance I prefer? I glance as his cup, and realize his is the same color.

"Thank you." I repeat, a genuine smile on my face as I scoop it up at take a sip.

"I have found that most potion brewers have concluded that this is the perfect balance for coffee." The professor comments, drinking his own.

"I agree. It enhances the flavor, without overwhelming." I reply. We both sip our coffee, falling into a now comfortable silence.

I gaze around the room as more and more students enter the great hall for breakfast.  Ginny Weasley waves to me as she enters, and I return it.  My attention is quickly drawn away from her though as a loud group enters the hall.  None other than Draco Malfoy and his little squad of Slytherins enter.  He's smirking as he says something to the students around him, easily the center of their attention.  His eyes flick up to the front table, stopping when they reach me.  I stare straight at him, not flinching as he shrinks a bit under my gaze.  He knows who I am, and he knows how I feel about him.  He broke up with my best friend. 

He has the decency to lower his head, as if he's embarrassed.  I smirk, turning away as my patrol partners enters the room.  Bill Weasley and none other than Celeste enter the great hall.  A wide grin takes over my face.  They reach the front of the room, and McGonagall stands to greet them.  She shakes their hands and then motions for all three of us to follow her.  

McGonagall leads us to a small side room.  One I haven't been since waiting to be sorted back in first year.

"Alright.  Thank you guys for showing up.  As I am sure you are all familiar with the patrol routes, I'll let you get to it.  Please let me know if you need anything?"  She peers at us over her glasses, and we all three nod.  "Very well."

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