Chapter 135 - Back to the Beginning

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I woke up alone on the couch.  I guess Draco decided to slip out before the rest of the house discovered their uninvited visitor.  I slowly sit up, wincing at the pain in my ribs.  I raise my shirt to see a bandage wrapped around my torso.  It doesn't look too bad, but I guess I injured myself without realizing on my little escapade last night. 

"Oh!  You're awake."  Someone says from the doorway.  Fred stands there with a steaming mug in his hands.  "I made you some tea."

"Oh.  Thanks."  I drop my shirt, letting it cover the red speckled bandage.  I take the cup, letting the steam warm my cheeks.

"Are you okay?"  He tentatively sits on the couch, leaving a couple of feet between us. 

"I feel like I got run over by a truck."  I don't look up from the amber liquid in my hands. 

"A truck?"

"Giant muggle vehicle."  I sigh.  You would think for being so smart and powerful, wizards would take the time to keep up with the basics of the muggle world.

"Ah.  That makes sense."  He pauses awkwardly for a moment.  "I know I've been... a really big jerk.  And I'm really sorry.  You had reasons for your choices, and just because I didn't understand them at the time, doesn't mean I should have doubted your intentions."

"Okay?"  I'm tired and he's taking forever to get to the point.

"Would you be open to being, I don't know, friends?"

I turn to look at him, feeling confused and conflicted. 

"I'm not sure."

"That's totally understandable.  Just... let me know, okay?"  He gives me a sad smile before getting up.  "You should go sleep."

I watch as he heads back upstairs.  I sip my tea, staring into the dying embers of the fireplace.  Do I want to be friends?  What would that even mean?  How would we even do that?  Am I over him enough to do that?  Do I forgive him enough?

That is a decision for another day.  I'm not in any state to be making these types of choice right now.


We headed back to Romania after lunch on January second.  It's nice to get back into routine after two weeks away.  Between the heavy conversations and the full moon, I want to do nothing but sleep.

After a week and a half back, I get a letter.  Now getting a letter isn't unusual, but this one is different.  It's a note from Fred.  I then procrastinate opening if for another three days.  Finally, one day after work, Teddy is down for a nap, and Charlie is still out.  I sit at the table, the envelope in front of me.

Annoyed at my self for being such a wimp about it, I snatch the envelope up, ripping it open.  I smooth the parchment out, scanning the contents.


Hey, how's your week been?  Business has been crazy busy.  Ron has been handling the Hogwarts side of things for now, but we've been thinking about expanding to a Hogsmeade location.  What do you think of that?

How is living with Charlie?  Has he annoyed you to death yet?  How is little Teddy doing?  Still sporting the blonde hair, or has he wised up to Weasley red again?

George says hello.


That was surprisingly normal.


I fold the letter back up and put it in the envelope.  I grab a pen and paper off the stack on the counter and write him back.

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