Chapter 59 - Taking Responsibility

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The next meeting with the Order of the Phoenix arrives, and I am a bit nervous.  I'm pretty sure I'll see multiple different Weasleys if not George himself.  I put my jacket on over my tank top and take a deep breath in front of the mirror.

"You are not at fault.  You have nothing to be ashamed of.  You have many skills to offer the Order.  You also look very hot in this outfit."  I tell myself before picking up my wand off of the table by my bed.  "Let's go."

I apparate in the park across from the head quarters and stealthily make my way to the door.  I quickly rap my knuckles on the door and it's cracked open.  I meet the eyes of my old Professor Remus.

"Ah.  What did my boggart turn into during our first defense lesson?"  He asks and I rack my brain.  That was so long ago it takes me a second.  But I remember talking about it to Mia after as we couldn't figure out what it was.

"A weird white orb.  Like what was up with that?"  I shake my head, at the memory.  I hear a snicker from someone else on the other side of the door.

"The moon, Hazel.  It was the moon."  He sounds like my response broke him, and the other person breaks into full laughter at this point.

"Oh!  Cus the werewolf thing.  I get it now!"  I nod eagerly, pleased to finally have an answer for such an old mystery.

"Just get inside."  He huffs, opening the door for me.  I slip inside, ducking under his arm and into the hallway.

"White orb."  He mutters to himself as he closes the door behind me.

"You sure got Remus good with that."  The culprit of giggles wraps an arm around my shoulder.

"Thanks, Fred."  I smile awkwardly up at him.  I have no idea what terms I'm on with any of the Weasleys.  Well, except Ginny.  I'm pretty sure the only reason she hasn't strung up George yet is because I asked her not to.

"He's not coming tonight."  He whispers into my ear softly, and I let out a small sigh of relief.

"Thanks for letting me know."  I give the hand slung around my shoulders a quick squeeze of thanks.

"Also Ginny ratted him out to mum, so no hard feelings from the family either.  If anything mum might apologize for raising such a git."  Fred tugs on a lock of my hair lightly before slipping back into the dining room.

I head in after him to find most of the Order already present. Tonks waves me over to the empty seat next to her and I plop down into it.

"Not saving it for Remus?" I tease, giving the blue haired woman a hug.

"Shut up." She mumbles, her hair turning pink to make the blush creeping up her cheeks.

"Sorry.  I suppose he's handsome in an old person kind of way."  I concede, but she just scowls at me.

"Really, Hazel?  An old person kind of way?"  She rolls her eyes, hair smoothing out into an even purple tone.  "You could have just left it at handsome."

"But he was my professor.  That's icky."  I whine like a little first year.

"Well, he was never mine."  She smirks.

"That's because you're old too."  I say, already ducking in anticipation of the hands flying.  She still managed to smack the back of my head a bit.

"What happened to the sweet little Hufflepuff?"  She shakes her head as if disappointed.  "Did those Gryffindors taint you so badly?"

"You don't know the half of it."  I grumble, suddenly being brought out of my moment of happiness.  She takes notice of my change in demeaner and pets the top of my head.

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