Chapter 4 - A Fortnight of Foresight

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Defense Against the Dark Arts is rather underwhelming. A lot of it is low level review. I can tell some of the other students are upset by it, but it seems easy enough. Maybe I should be concerned due to the threat of Voldemort. But if he kills me, at least I wouldn't have to take the N.E.W.T.s.

Maybe I also need to sort out my priorities.

I head to Complex Mathematics. Its a rather unpopular course do to the non-magical properties. But my dad insisted. He said that having magic was no excuse to get a poor education. What if I changed my mind and decided to go to muggle college? I would need these types of classes.

There's about eight others in the class as well. I take a seat towards the back but not in the back. Front and back always gets the most attention. I prefer not to have any of it. Class starts right on time and we begin my doing some review of what we learned last year. I am working through some difficult problems when the classroom doors burst open.

Fred and George not so quietly take seats on either side off me.

"You're late." Professor Parker snaps at the two of them, handing them review pages. "If this happens again, detention might be in order."

"Yes, Professor," they chorus and pull out their pens.

"What are you doing here?" I hiss to them while pretending to work on my problems.

"Doing math." Fred tells me from my left side.

"What are you doing here?" George asks cheekily from the right.

"Math obviously. I didn't know you guys did this sort of thing." I hiss at them. This is all I need. These two distracting me in yet another class.

"Apparently we do." Fred starts on his paper and George follows suit. Trying my best to ignore them, I turn back to my own. I power through the rest of the sheet, wishing for a calculator the whole time. Maybe I should talk to Professor Parker about it. He might be amenable to the suggestion.

I hand in my paper and he lets us each go as we finish. I head out into the hallway, thinking about lunch. Since class is still technically in session, there's still about twenty five minutes until the food is served. I hesitate, unsure of what to do. Maybe I should go switch my books out now and have them ready for later.

"Hazel!" A familiar voice calls my name and I groan. I turn to find not one, but both twins jogging to catch up to me.

"Yes?" I cross my arms.

"Care for some company?" Fred leans in too close once again.

"Why are you guys so eager to hang out with me all of a sudden?" I blurt out. At first I thought perhaps I was just the first person to have passed by, but at this point it is feeling like more than that.

"Do you remember yesterday," George starts off, shoving his hands into his pockets.

"On the train." Fred takes over. "You and your friend, Mia. You guys were talking about something. And there was a lot of looking at us..."

"And giggling." Geogre says, stopping in the middle of the hall.

"Yeah. So what?" I try to shrug it off, but my traitor cheeks turn pink.

"What were you guys saying about us?" This whole speaking in unison thing is getting kind of old. Do they rehearse it? Are they just that in tune with each other?

"So you've been following me around all morning, just trying to figure out what we were talking about?"

"I wouldn't call it following, would you dear Fred?"

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