Chapter 49 - Biding Time

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The next day, I head into practice with a big smile on my face. Everything seems brighter, and my team is the best. I love them so much.

"Good morning!" I sing as I come up and stand next to Alex. He just glares at me and takes a big drink from his tumbler.

"Not enough coffee. Shhh." He grumbles at me, and I giggle. It's such a beautiful day today. Not even Alex's morning grumps can get me down.

"What's wrong with Taylor?" Gina asks Vivian who just shakes her head. I just ignore them. Nothing is going to bring me down right now. George had accepted me. Despite everything, we are going to give it a chance.

Practice is the best I've ever preformed since joining, and Vivian takes notice.

"Taylor!" She calls out to me as we're starting to disperse.

"Yeah, Captain?" I pause, turning back to face her.

"I don't know what's changed for you, but whatever it is, keep it up." She nods firmly and I grin.

"Will do." I then head out of the stadium and apparate home. I take a quick shower, dress, and do my hair before checking on the owl.

"What am I going to name you?" I ponder, watching as he gazes out the window. He looks quite stunning. He turns to face me, tilting his head to the side. "You already know your name, don't you?"

He blinks once, and I take that as confirmation.

"And you aren't going to tell me?"

Two blinks. That rascal.

"Fine, but I'll just have to call you Owl until then. But I will figure it out. Mark my words."

He hums lightly and turns back to the window.

"I'll be back tonight." I crack open the window a bit to give him some freedom. "Feel free to go hunting or whatever. Just be back by midnight please."

He ruffles his feathers a bit before taking off through he open window. What a little cutie.

Nervous butterflies fill my stomach as I lock my front door and head down to the joke shop. Fred is off on a materials run, so George told me I could swing by after practice. I have a bounce in my step as I go, trying my best not to break out into a full skip. The store front comes into view and the butterflies increase ten fold. I push open the door and step inside. The store is in it's usual chaos. Kids run amok with stressed parents attempting to keep up with them. I spot George on the upper level showing some children the snack boxes that tortured Umbridge and Filch all of last year.

I wait for him to finish his sales pitch before calling him over.

"George!" I wave, up to him and he grins when he spots me.

"Hazel!" He jumps over the railing and I panic for a moment before realizing he's gliding down slowly. He lands directly in front of me, and I have to resist the impulse to kiss him there in the middle of the store.

"Hello." I greet him, my cheeks warming a bit as I look up at his handsome face.

"I'm glad you came by." He says softly, and my heart flutters.

"Me too." I am enchanted by his brown eyes.

"Ray, you're in charge!" He calls out to some unseen employee before snatching my hand and dragging me to the backroom.

"What are you doing? I ask him, laughing as we stumble through the curtain.

"Kissing you." He traces a thumb along my cheekbone, sending a shiver through me.

"I like that idea." I whisper, my breaths shaky. He quickly bends down and captures my lips with his. He tastes like mango and mint. His hands rest respectfully on my waist. My fingers slide up the front of his suit jacket before playing with the hair at the back of his neck. My touch surprises him and he gasps against my mouth. I slip my tongue between his lips and his gasp fades into a moan.

His hands become less gentlemanly, as the slide down to my hips, gripping them and pulling me against his. Warmth flows through me as out bodies touch. My heart feels so full as George carcasses me.

Suddenly, his hands slide around to the back, scooping me up. I gasp, startled by the action, but it quickly turns to a giggle as he sets me on a stack of crates so that I am his height now.

"Much better." His voice is lower than I've ever heard it, and I'll admit, it is quite arousing. Before I can respond through, his lips crash back against mine, hungry. I grab at his shoulders, desperate for him. I pull his body to mine, needing to feel him against me.  I bite back a moan as his hips slide up my inner thighs.

Encouraged, his fingers play with the skin at the him of my shirt, brushing softly.  I gently stroke his tongue with my own, heart practically beating out of my chest.

His hands slide up my sides before carefully removing my shirt.  I blush, looking into his eyes to see his reaction to my body.

"You're beautiful."  He traces a line along my collarbone, causing me to shiver.

"George."  My voice sounds strained, and he smirks.

"Yes, my love?"  He runs a finger under my chin.

"I need you."  Why am I so desperate for him?  Every touch feels like a drug.  I am confident I could live a thousand lifetimes, and never get tired of it.

"Just ask, and I'm yours."  He places the softest kiss on my lips.

"George, please keep going."  I barely finish the words and his grip firms once more, undoing my bra in a quick motion.  I pull off his shirt, pausing to admire the lines of his lean body.  There are a few scars across his chest, most likely the result of accidental explosions.  His shoulders shine in the light of the singular bulb of the supply room, casting deep shadows in every muscle dip.  My eyes travel down his chest to his waist and further.

I lick my lips when I notice how turned on he is.

"Like what you see?"  He says, again in that low voice, making me squirm.

"All too much."  I admit, hooking my fingers through his belt loops to pull him to me.  I kiss him deeply as he rubs against me through our clothes.  It feels so good I sigh against his lips.

Suddenly, the curtain swings open and we both attempt to jump apart.  George stumbles back, nearly falling on his butt, and I fall off of the backside of the crate I'm sitting on.

"Well I guess you two made up."  Fred says snarkily as he looks at the scene in front of him.  "But seriously, there are kids out here.  Don't be gross."

He lets the curtain fall closed as he leave, and George and I turn back to each other.

"Need a hand?"  He offers his, pulling me up off of the floor.

"Thanks."  I brush myself off and look around for my shirt.  Finding it, I pull it on before tossing George his.

"How unfortunate that we were interrupted."  He murmurs in my ear, still shirtless.  "There are so many things I wanted to do to you."

My knees nearly buckle at the thought, and I lean on a nearby box for support.

"Maybe you'll have to do them later?"  I suggest.  I'm still a bit foggy as his very lovely and bare chest is directly in my face.  It's very hard to concentrate on anything other than how his hipbones dip so alluringly down into his pants.  Pants I'd rather wish were not there.

"Until then, you'll just have to wonder what they could be."  He pulls his shirt on, snapping me out of my trance.  "I better go talk to him.  I'd rather him not tell mum right now.  She's not your biggest fan."

"And whose fault is that?"  I huff, crossing my arms.

"Yours.  Should have shagged me and not Fred."  He gives me a quick kiss and a cheeky grin before vanishing through the curtain.  It's going to take a bit for me to get used to him joking about this.  But it's better than the alternative of him being mad at me.

Shaking my head, I follow him out, back into the joke shop.


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