Chapter 41 - Farewells and New Paths

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The end of the year feast comes, and Umbridge is nowhere to be seen. Rumors fly about where she went as well as what the golden trio and friends got up to. Apparently there had been a major confrontation at the ministry the night before. The teachers and staff are very busy with all of that. I even heard that Voldemort himself was there. Regardless, it feels like the war has arrived.

After the feast, we prepare to go home. I board the train with my friends, once again feeling the empty place Cedric should have filled. I shake it off, and hoist my trunk up onto the rack in my compartment. After helping Mia with hers, I take a seat on the bench beside her as Edwin and Alex put up theirs.

"Can you believe the year is over? I can't even comprehend." Alex shakes his head.

"Yeah, all you old people are gone for good." Edwin jokes about us fresh graduates.

"At least we're not babies like you." Mia retorts, causing Edwin to blush.

"I'm not a baby!"

"Sure you aren't," Alex chuckles, ruffling his hair. "You're such a big boy."

"Yes, I am." Edwin slumps in his seat, pouting.

"Good boy, now let the adults talk."  Alex turns from him leaving Edwin in shock.  "How do you think you scored on your NEWTs?"

"I think I did okay."  I shrug, thinking over the exams.  "I think I got at least an Exceeds Expectations on Potions.  Think I might have failed divination though.  Umbridge was super upset at me.  I'm sure she failed me out of spite."

"Honestly, I might have failed a couple of them," Alex admits sheepishly.  I may have gotten a bit caught up in quidditch and not have studied as much as I should have."

"I think I did alright,"  Mia smiles excitedly.  "I feel especially good about my charms exam."

"That's great!  A very handy NEWT to have.  It's extremely versatile."  I say encouragingly.  Although with how things are going, it will be a miracle if any of us live long enough to use our NEWTs.  I don't say this though, but everyone one feels it.

The train makes it's way though the beautiful landscapes and eventually arrives at Kings Cross.  We grab our things like we've done so many times before but when we exit onto the platform, we hesitate.  Once we leave, it's over.  This feels like the last moment of childhood.  Once we leave the platform, we'll be full adults in a dark and torn world.  None of us are ready for it, but it's not like we have a choice.

"Good luck."  I say giving Alex and Mia hugs.  "Write me soon?"

"Of course!"  Alex agrees, squeezing me a bit too tight.

"Send us your address and we'll come and visit."  Mia speaks softly, trying to be delicate of my new living situation.

"Thank you.  I would love for you guys to visit.  Maybe you can help me decorate the flat." 

"Like you could stop me."  She jokes before the both of them depart to greet their families.

I stand there by myself for a moment, trunk on the ground beside me.  I try not to look like I'm waiting for her, but it's pretty obvious I am.  After a few minutes, Celeste steps off of the train dragging her trunk behind her.  She spots me and weaves her way through the younger students until she reaches me.

"Hug?"  She asks, opening her arms to me.

"Yes please!"  I fall into her arms and grip her tightly.  "Do we have to go?  I don't want to be an adult."

"Unfortunately, yes.  But on the bright side, as an adult, we can see each other whenever we want, no curfew or teachers."  She pulls back just enough to give me a quick kiss on the cheek.  "Promise you'll talk to George?"

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