Chapter 38 - Missed Departures

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I wake up, my body throbbing. I'm still on the floor where I fell asleep after my conversation with Fred. I have no idea what time it is, or where I am. I carefully unfold my body, winching as aches and pains shoot through my joints. I must have been out a while for my body to hurt this bad. Is it after curfew?

I stand up slowly, looking around for something familiar. Unfortunately, I find nothing. I'm not even sure which direction I came from. With a sigh, I opt to head left, and hope that I'm not just traveling further into the dungeons. I wander through the dank parts of the school, taking turns at random. I probably should try and keep track, but my brain feels too fuzzy.

If I get lost down here forever, at least I'll never have to face George.

I turn another corner to find yet another unrecognizable corridor. Fantastic.

I keep going, reality feeling a bit like a dream. Why does Hogwarts have a giant labyrinth like dungeon? I'm lost, and I'm a seventh year. Imagine a poor little first year Slytherin getting stuck down here, just desperately trying to find their common room. One thing that Hogwart has taught me is that magic may be cool, but that doesn't mean it's smart.

I wander for a bit more, time untrackable. Has it been minutes? An hour? I don't know. All the halls look the same.

Finally, I hear a noise up ahead. Is that another student? Maybe they know where I am.

I hurry forward towards the sound, turning the corner quickly.

Oh sweet Merlin.

I seem to have stumbled upon a private moment.

I start to step back when I recognize the girl.

"Mia?" I gape, as the two jump apart. "Draco Malfoy?"

"Oh!" Mia straightens her skirt, blushing furiously. "What are you doing down here?"

"I got lost." I admit sheepishly.

"For a whole day?" She raises an eyebrow skeptically.

"What do you mean?" Did I manage to sleep a whole day? Pretty on brand if I'm honest with myself.

"Hazel, you didn't come back last night. I figured you were hooking up with George." She tilts her head at me, growing concerned.

"You're shagging that Weasley rat?" Malfoy scoffs, rolling his eyes. "Surprised someone would have standards that low."

"Draco, please." Mia puts a hand on his shoulder and he leans back against the wall.

"Sorry. Old habits." He gives her a quick peck on the cheek. I have to admit that they're pretty cute.

"What time is it?" I ask them.

"Little after lunch. We both had a free period." Mia leans against her boyfriend and he wraps his arms around her waist, nuzzling her neck affectionately.

"Crap! I missed all my morning classes!" I groan running a hand down my face. "How do I get out of here? I've been down here since like four yesterday afternoon."

"Merlin! No wonder you're a mess." Draco says very unhelpfully.

"Thank you for the compliment." I shoot back sarcastically.

"Down the hall. Two lefts than a right. You'll pop up by the potions classroom." Mia points which way for me to go.

"Thanks." I give them both a smile. "You guys are super cute." I head off, hearing Draco mutter to Mia.

"I'm not cute! Why did she call me cute? Handsome maybe? Intimidating? Obviously. But cute? Never!"

Their voices fade as Mia sooths his ego and I chuckle lightly to myself. At least things are working out for Mia. They seem happy together. Maybe one day things will work out like that for me.

Since I have free period right now, I head up to my dorm to grab a snack. I haven't eaten since lunch yesterday, and I'm starving. I make my way past the kitchens to the Hufflepuff downs. Once in my room, I grab a snack from my stash and flop on my bed. Everyone else is out, so it's just me and my thoughts. Great.

I missed Care of Magical Creatures, Herbology, and Charms. I'll have to check with others in those classes about homework and stuff. Hopefully the professors won't be too upset I missed. Which reminds me that I need to make another appointment with Sprout to talk about my future. Hopefully she'll have some new insight for me.

I finish off my snack and head down to the library to see if I can find anyone to get homework information from. As I enter the library, I hear a commotion down the hall. A bunch of the students around me rush to investigate, but I don't bother. I'm pretty sure I know what it is, and after yesterday, I'm not really in the mood to witness it.

I don't see anyone I know in the library, so I find and spot and do some reading on the material I missed in classes today.

The shouting outside gets louder and I can hear some students cheering along with a sound that resembles what I imagine a dying banshee would sound like. It takes a moment to realize that this must be Umbridge.

Students start drifting back into the library, whispering and giggling about the events that just transpired. Celeste enters and waves when she spots me.

"Did you see it?" She asks as she sits down.

"Nope." I place my hands on the book in front of me, smoothing the pages.

"Seriously? I figured you would be there front and center." She scrunches her face up. "Is everything okay?"

"Sure." I can tell my answer will not convince anyone.

"Hazel?" She scoots her chair closer to mine. "What's happening? It's not like you to miss a big Fred and George thing."

"Well, it is now." I say a bit more tersely than intending, flipping the page in my text.

"And why is that?" She pushes, having none of my attitude.

"Because they don't want me." I grit my teeth to keep from tearing up again.

"What? That's not true. Who told you that?"

"Fred. Yesterday. He made it very clear to me." I sniff, losing the battle against my tears.

"Hazel..." Celeste puts her hand over mind. "Are you okay?"

"No, but who is these days?" I wipe at my eyes frantically. "Fred is right. What kind of girl sleeps with one twin and falls in love with the other?"

"You... You're in love with George?" Her tone is soft and sympathetic.

"Apparently. Didn't realize it until yesterday. But it doesn't matter anyway." I shake my head, Fred's words echoing in my mind.

'You think he's going to want to touch you after he learns that there's no where he can go that I haven't been?'

He was right. George wouldn't want me. I don't want me.

"It does matter." Celeste brings my chin up, forcing me to meet her eyes.

"No! Fred was right! After he learns what happened with Fred and I, George is going to want nothing to do with me!" I bite my lip, tears streaming down my cheeks. "I messed up everything."

"Says Fred." Celeste raises a delicate eyebrow.

"Yeah." I don't know where she's going with this.

"Maybe you should let George make up his own mind. Not let Fred do it for him."

She has a bit of a point. I took Fred's words as fact. Like it was already decided. But there is a chance, however small, that George wouldn't hate me. That he could get past this. That we could get past this. But there would also the high possibility of having to face him while he tells me that he never wants to see me again. And that would be so so painful.

"Do you think it's worth the risk?" I ask, begging her to be honest.

"When it comes to something as big as love, yes." She smiles, giving me hope. "Don't give up on it."


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