Chapter 143 - Lost Love

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I wake up back in a hospital bed, just like I did not too long ago.  This time, Eric is sitting bedside.  I sit up, surprised to find that I feel pretty good despite everything.  

But did the potion work?

How did I feel about Amycus?

And then I throw up.  Unfortunately, I don't have a bucket.  The sounds of my retching wake Eric.  I hear him leave, most likely getting help as I puke over the side of the bed onto the dingy white floor.

Eric returns with a healer, who quickly vanishes the sick, handing my a bucket as well.  I grip the bucket to my chest as I feel like I'm dying.  Not physically.  But my chest hurts.  I feel broken, used, and incredibly violated.  

The potion worked.

And I hate it.

Every moment I had thought had been loving at the time, I can now see was torture.  The two months, I spent there, being touched by that monster.  The amount of times I followed him into bed, my mind altered by a potion of my own making.

I throw up again, disgusted with myself and Carrow.  

"Mrs. Carrow." The healer speaks, and the name brings on another round of retching. 

"Please don't call me that."  I hiss, wiping my mouth with a rag offered by Eric.

"Did it work?"  Eric asks, I can tell he suspects, and I nod.  "Are you okay?"

I shake my head.  He holds my hand, grounding me as I try and wade through the flood.  Eventually, my stomach settles and by breathing regulates.  The healer checks me over, and once she's satisfied that the effects from the potion are over, signs off on my discharge.

It's around noon by the time we step out of the hospital.  Eric wordlessly apparates us back to Diagon Alley, pausing on the cobbles outside of his shop.

"Come in and freshen up, and then you can go."  He tells me, somehow understanding that I have some things I need to do.

"Thanks."  I smile at him, feeling more grateful that I'll even be able to show.  I shower, changing into clean clothes that Eric leaves for me, brushing my teeth and hair until I feel better.  I return back down stairs, earning a smile from Eric when he sees me.

"You look human again!"

"Hey!"  I protest.

"I thought you were a brewing goblin there for a bit."  He teases.

"Shut it."  I grumble, causing him to bust out into full giggles.

"Get out of here."  He nods to the door, still laughing.

"I'll see you later, Eric."  I bid him farewell, pushing the door open and exiting out into the street.  I have to consciously keep my pace at a walk, wanting to run, but forcing myself not to.  I make it to the front door and push it open, yet another bell announcing my arrival.


"Fred!"  My heart skips seeing him.  He's clad in his brightly colored plaid pants, his jacket flung over a nearby display as he restocks.  His sleeves are rolled up revealing his forearms.  He stands, brushing his hands on his pants, taking a small step in my direction.  He seems reluctant, and I understand why.  Last time I saw him, I wanted him locked away for killing the man who kidnaped me.  

I give in and run to him.  He immediately opens his arms to me, clutching me to his chest and I cling to him.

"I'm so sorry."  I cry, tears streaming without my permission.  "Thank you for coming for me.  Thank you for killing him."

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