Chapter 88 - Impending

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After Tonk's and Lupin's wedding, something starts nagging at the back of my mind. Almost like a deja vu moment. Something I should know, but I can't figure out.

I wake up in a cold sweat in my bed at the Burrow. I know I just had a dream, but I can't remember it. I know it was important. I needed to know this information. But as hard as I try, I can't access it. Groaning, I roll out of bed, my feet hitting the cool wooden floor. A moan from the other side of the bed draw my attention.

Fred reaches out for me, his hand falling onto the empty bed. His lips form a pout when he can't find me.

"Commere." He grunts, reaching out once more.

"I can't. I have to go get ready for practice. I have a game tomorrow." I give him a quick peck on the lips. He grabs my face, kissing me hard for a moment before letting me go.

"I'll miss you." He mumbles, rolling back over and falling asleep. I gaze down at him in my bed. My white sheets are twisted around his naked body, barely covering his pelvic. Not that I would mind it it didn't. His chest rises and falls with each breath. His hair is a mess, sticking up in every which way. My stomach feels like I'm falling through air. Its wonderful and frightening at the same time. I don't know how he does this to me.

"I'll miss you, too." I whisper before walking away to get dressed.


I don't think about the missing feeling again until that evening when I'm out for drinks with Alex. And when I say drinks, I mean two. I can't get hammered the night before a game.

I turn my head as the door opens. A witch breezes in, her green robes billowing behind her as she makes her way to her friends. The feeling of deja vu returns and I almost fall out of my chair.

"Woah, you good there, Taylor?" Alex puts a hand on my shoulder to balance me.

"I..." I blink hard, my head spinning.  The image of a green robe, billowing in the wind flashes in my mind.  The night sky behind, and a blackened and burned hand reaching out to me.  I think the image is from my dream last night, but I can't remember enough to be certain. 

"Hazel?"  Alex shakes me a little and I come back into focus.

"Yeah, I'm here.  Sorry about that."  I mumble, still thinking about the green cloak and the hand.

I try to put it out of my mind as much as possible, and just enjoy my night with Alex.  After our two drinks, I head home, determined to get a good night's sleep before the game.  Fred isn't home from work yet, so I get ready for bed, and climb in alone.  I think I might ask if I can move into Fred and George's old room.  Ginny will be back home next month, and I'd rather share a room with my boyfriend.  

I drift off to sleep, missing Fred's warmth.


I bolt upright in bed, a scream tearing from my throat.

"Babe!"  Fred sits up beside me, wrapping his arms around me.  "Are you okay?"

"I think I had a nightmare."  I reply, once again having trouble recalling.  I have the feeling it was the same one as the night before.  "I'm sorry I woke you up."

"Don't apologize.  Was it... a seer kind of dream?"  He asks, petting my hair soothingly.

"I'm not sure.  I can't remember it.  It was the same way last night as well.  I don't know why.  It's like the dream is hiding from me or something."  I bury my face into his chest, inhaling his comforting scent.

"I'm sorry, love.  That must be frustrating."  He hums, kissing my forehead.

"Yeah, it is."  I mutter, yawning.

"It's like three in the morning.  Why don't you try to get a bit more sleep before you have to leave for your game."  He pulls me back down on the bed, holding me to his chest.

"Okay.  Thank you."  I close my eyes, and let the sound of his heartbeat lull me to sleep.


Over the next three weeks, I am awoken every night the same way.  Between three and four in the morning, I wake up screaming, having no memory of the dream itself.  Fred is starting to become very worried about me.  The effects of my awakening taking a toll on both of us. 

"I think you should talk to someone about your dreams."  Fred tells me.  It's June now, and it hasn't gotten any better.

"Who?  Who would be able to help, even?"  I scoff, pulling my blanket up over my head.

"Dumbledore?"  He rubs my back through the blanket.

"No.  I don't trust him.  He hid my own prophecy from me.  Merlin knows what he's do with my dream. "  I argue.

"Fair enough.  What about...  I hate to say this.  But what about Snape?  You've heard for the Order members that he's a legilimen."

"Ugh."  I moan, realizing that Fred may be onto something.

"Great, so I need to do a sleep study with Professor Snape?"  I drop my face into the mattress.  "I don't want to."

"I know.  But I'm worried about you.  They aren't getting better, and you are no closer to remembering anything."  Fred speaks calmly, and I sigh.  I don't deserve his patience.  

"Alright.  I'll do it."  I concede, sitting back up.  "I'll go owl him now."

"That's my girl."  Fred gives me a quick kiss and smacks my butt as I climb off the bed.

"Hey!"  I yelp, nearly tripping over my own feet.

"Sorry, it was too cute not to smack."  Fred winks at me, and I smile lovingly at him.  

"Alright, fine."  I chuckle, heading to my drawer to get a pen and paper.

'Professor Snape,

Hello.  I have something  for which I need your help.  I have been having recurring dreams for the past three weeks, but something is blocking them.  I strongly believe they are prophetic in nature and quite important.  Please let me know if you are available to assist. 


Hazel Taylor

P.S.  I would appreciate you not involve our dear headmaster.  Thank you.'

I tuck the letter into an envelope.  

"Owlexander is in the attic looking for mice.  I'll be back in a few."  I grab the letter and take it upstairs to send out with my darling boy.  I find him munching on something, and know better than to inquire as to what it is.  

"Here, buddy.  This is for Professor Snape.  The guy you're always bringing potions to."  I tie the note to his leg and pet his feathers.  "Thank you."

He puffs out his chest, proud to assist me, before taking off through the attic window and heading off to Hogwarts.

I clamber back down the steps and fall into bed next to Fred.

"There, it's done."  I sigh, snuggling in.  

"Thank you, love."  He tilts my chin up and kisses me,  making the butterflies in my tummy dance.


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