Chapter 40 - Newts and News

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The end of the school year approaches, and the match of Gryffindor versus Ravenclaw is much anticipated.  Hufflepuff and Slytherin are both rooting for Gryffindor.  At this point in the season, neither Slytherin or Ravenclaw have a chance at victory.  It's all up to Gryffindor.  Of course, the Slytherins want their rivals, the Gryffindors, to lose.  So here we all are, clad in blue, hoping for an unlikely result.

The morning of, I'm headed down to the Great Hall adorned in my borrowed blue cardigan.  I squeeze into a seat between Edwin and Mia, grabbing some eggs to put on my plate.

"So what do you think the odds of a Ravenclaw win are?"  I ask casually, causing the entire team around me to wince.

"Please let us live in our happy little bubble where the chances are high."  Alex groans, looking up at the swirling ceiling of the great hall.

"How about I put it this way.  How many of you put money on Ravenclaw winning?"  I can't help but stir up a bit of trouble.  It'd probably be the most fun I'd have all day.  No one meets my eye except Zach.  

"I put five galleons on Ravenclaw taking the win."  He grins excitedly, as if he actually expects to make his money back.

"Oh, Zach."  Hillary shakes her head sadly.  "That's a sweet thought."

"No, it's called faith!"  Zach stands up, nearly toppling Hillary who is sitting besides him.  With one leg perched on the bench he loudly declares for the whole hall to hear.  "I have faith in the Ravenclaws!  They will play strong and true!  They will beat the almighty Gryffindors and secure victory for not only themselves, but Hufflepuff as well!"

A few other students cheer, but most just smile sadly.  Harry Potter may be a prodigy quidditch player, but Ginny Weasley is a force to be reckoned with. 

After breakfast finishes, everyone heads down to the quidditch pitch.  The place is abuzz with excitement.  It's the last game of the year, and the weather is nice out.  Students throughout the stands trade treats and laughs as they wait for the game to begin.  I see the teams enter the locker rooms to prepare for the game.  Seeing the Gryffindor team sends a pang through my chest.  I miss George and Fred.  I know they are doing what they're meant to, but I selfishly wish they were still here.

"You okay?"  Celeste asks as she takes the seat next to me.

"Yeah.  Just thinking about the Weasley twins."  I sigh heavily.

"You know they're here today."  Hazel points to the other side of the stands where they are sandwiched in.

"Why are they here?"  I ask, craning my neck, trying to get a better view.

"Probably to watch Ginny and Ronald."  Celeste says.  "They are their little siblings after all."

"You're right."  I agree, still trying to catch a glimpse of them.  "Do you think I should go say hi?"

"I'm going to be straight up with you."  Celeste puts a hand on my shoulder.  "You have a very heavy conversation ahead of you.  I'm not sure a quidditch match is the place to do it."

"You're right."  I groan, falling back into my seat.  "I should wait.  It's just so hard.  I wish things were easier."

"At least we're almost out of school.  Then that will be easier.  No more Umbridge."  She tries to cheer me up.

"Just two more weeks and it will all be over."

The game starts and I try to focus on the players and not the red heads across the stadium.  At first, Ravenclaw is doing rather well, but as the game progresses, their lead diminishes.  What once was a hundred and eighty point lead is now a fifty point lead.  If the snitch were to be caught now, Gryffindor would win.

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