Chapter 10 - Pressure and Lies

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I bury myself in homework, hiding in the back corner of the library.  I really don't want to talk to anyone right now.  I don't want to think about anything other than my homework.  I did a lot of it earlier during free period, but I have a few things to do for Muggle Studies.  I do my best to get lost in reading about the parallels and crossings of Muggle and Wizard histories.  Certain events just so happened at the same time, while others had the same cause.  It is so interesting to see how each society interpreted the events.  

As I finish up my assigned reading, I look up at the clock and realize that I'm already late for dinner.  Biting back a swear, I gather up my things and rush out of the library.  I don't have time to drop my books off at the dorm, so I take them with me.  The tables are bustling with activity, dinner already mid way through.  Mia is with some of her other friends, so I just find a random empty seat.  I sit and grab some food, not really paying attention to who's around me.  As I'm digging in, I look up and lock eyes with a younger Hufflepuff.  He looks like he's about to burst.

"You good?"  I ask before shoving in a bite of potatoes.

"You're good!  You're great!  Are you going to be on the team?  I was watching tryouts and it was so cool!"  He explodes.

"Wow."  I mumble, my mouth full.  I'm starting to wish I had sat with Celeste at the Slytherin table.

"My name's Stephen Combs, second year.  I'm hoping to try out next year.  Mom wanted me to wait an extra year.  Also keeper position will be opening then, and that's what I really want to be."  The kids babbles on and on.  I realize that if I just nod occasionally, he'll carry the whole conversation.

I'm almost finished with my dinner, and no Alex.  They must have picked the other kid after all.  Flooded with relief, I stand up to leave.  I turn around and bump into someone, smacking my nose hard into their shoulder.

"Ow!"  I clutch my face, eyes watering.

"Gosh!  Are you okay?"  I hear a familiar voice say as they grab my shoulders.  Alex.  Maybe if I run...  "Can't have my newest Quidditch teammate already in the hospital wing."

Too late.

"I'm fine."  I grunt, touching my nose gently.  I'll probably have a slight bruise, but otherwise okay.

"Congrats.  You made the team!"  He hands me a set of bright yellow quidditch robes with my last name embroidered on the back.

"Oh wow!"  I try and muster up excitement.  I should be happy.  I love quidditch.  I love being a Hufflepuff.  This is a fantastic opportunity.  "Thank you."

"First practice is tomorrow after classes.  Do you have your own broom?  We have some, but they're pretty old.  Almost as old as the Weasleys' old Clean Sweeps."  I glance over at the twins who are talking to Harry and his friends.

"It will take me a few days, but I can get one."  I assure him.  

"Fantastic!  I'm glad to have you aboard!"


That night I head to the kitchens once again.  This time I bring a bit of ribbon for Rita.  I try to always bring her something as payment when I come for snacks.  I sneak over to the warm hearth in my slippered feet.

"Miss Hazel!"  Rita beams when she see me.  "I am very happy to see you.  But you must be careful.  Rita would be very upset if she were to get you detention!"

"Rita, if I get detention, it's my own fault, not yours."  I smile softly at her and hold out my hand to her.  She peeks to see what I have in my palm.  She sees the ribbon and gasps in delight.

Weasley Twins - A Fate You Can't Escapeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن