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When I woke up the next morning, at 5 am, I saw Eli sleeping next to me. Derek and my dad have probably go to buy a coffee or something. I'm in a lot of pain. I definitely need a painkiller.

"Eli?" he wakes up and looks at me.

"Is everything alright? Do you want me to call Melissa?" I simply nod at him and he rushes outside. Liam's stepdad enters.


"Please send him outside".

"Eli, can you please get out?" I see Eli exiting the room and David looks at me. "What do you feel?".

"It's like my head is going to explode. I struggle to breathe".

He grabs the breathing mask from behind me and places it over my mouth and nose. I admit that it made me feel a little bit better. Not hundred percent better but slightly better.

"My head" I say trying to breathe normally. He rushes and opens the door.

"MELISSA?" he enters and Melissa enters right behind him. "She struggles to breathe and her head is hurting. Pull her arm down".

Melissa and David work together. Melissa pulls my arm down while David inserted something with a needle inside me. They pull away slowly and stare at me.

"Yn?" I hear Melissa's voice.

"I'm a lot better" she sighs in relief.

"How are you feeling now, Yn?" David asks me.

"A lot better but I think I'll keep the mask" he nods at me in understanding. I look at the window and see Eli talking with Derek and Peter. "Please. Send Eli at school or back home. I don't want him to see me like that".

"He doesn't want to leave" Melissa says to me.

"Please. I don't want him here. I don't want him to see me".

"Okay. We will try our best" David says and I nod. They both walk outside and I hear their conversation with my dad, Derek and Eli.

"How's Yn?" Eli asks.

"She is better now. It's normal to have those symptoms after the removal of a tumor like this one" David says.

"Eli, she asked us to send you to school or back home. She doesn't you to see her like that" Melissa says.

"What? No. I'm not leaving her" Eli says.

"Eli, please. You can't stay here" Eli sighs.

"I think Yn is right. You should go to school so you can forget a bit about all these. To try and relax" Derek says.

"How the hell will I relax when Yn is here. What if something happens to her and I won't be here with her?".

"We are here, Eli. Nothing will happen. Alright?" Peter says.


"Eli, please. Do me this favor" Derek says.

"Fine. Anything that she wants".

"Come on. I'll drive you to school".

I hear footsteps and then the door of my room opens. I see my dad entering but I can't keep my eyes open for too long yet. I see him walking towards me and sitting down at the chair next to my bed from the left side.

"Yn? How are you feeling?".

"It hurts really bad" he tries to catch my arm so he can take a little bit of pain from me but I pull my arm away.

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