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It's 2 pm. My headphones' power died so I'm just lying on my bed trying to fall asleep. I'm really tired. Just then I heard the front door of the house open and close.

"You hungry?" I hear Peter asking someone.

"Yeah" Eli answers.

"Let's eat then" Derek says.

"Let me call Yn" Peter says and I hear him walking towards my room. When he enters, he doesn't say anything.

"I'm not asleep" I say as I imagine that he thinks that I am.

"Are you hungry?" I sit up on my bed.


"Come on".

"Dad?" he looks at me.


"Umm ... Tomorrow you will have to come with me at my psychologist".


"Because he thinks that we should do something like a group appointment".

"Including who?".

"Us, Liam and his dad".

"Okay. What time?".

"After school".

"Alright. I'll come to pick you up from school then and we will go together".


"Come on now. Let's eat lunch".


I get down from my bed and follow behind him. We walk outside and I take my seat next to Eli. He looks at me but I keep my stare at my plate. I see him looking at Peter and Derek but they both mention him not to say anything. We all eat in silence until Eli's phone rings.

"No phones on the table, Eli" Derek says.

"Sorry. I forgot it" he hangs it up and puts it back into his pocket.

When we all are done with our lunch, I go to my room. I ask for the lessons from Stiles and he sent me everything with their solutions. I thanked him and lie on my bed again. Then I heard the boys whispering. Actually Peter and Eli. Derek left a few minutes ago from home.

"What happened with Yn?" Eli asks.

"What do you mean?" Peter asks him.

"That's not normal. She is never so quiet".

"She is tired. That's all".

"Don't lie to me. Please. What happened with her? I worry".

"She is fine, Eli".

"She is not fine. Can't you see that?" Peter sighs.

"I can see it".

"But you're not doing anything to help her".

"I don't know what to do and after all she is the one that says that if someone needs help, they are going to ask for help".

"That's not nice to say".

"I love Yn and I worry about her too but it's better to let her relax than being around her at the moment. She mustn't feel our worry for her. That will break her even more".

"And what should we do? Let her torture herself like that?".

"Let her do what feels right to her. When she is ready, she will come and talk to us".

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