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Today is Liam's court. Tomorrow is the lacrosse game and Eli is coming back. Peter and Derek don't know anything about me. Neither does anyone else. Only Liam's dad.

Liam is in the court at the moment and I just arrived. I see David Geyer, Liam's step dad actually, outside waiting for me.



"Thank you very much. For everything".

"I wouldn't let that happen to Liam. Neither to you".

"Thank you".

"Let's go?".


I turn off my phone and walk inside with David. We see Jenna Geyer, Liam's mom, sitting there and on the other side Liam. David gets me into the room that I have to be in and then the Judge enters.

"Mr. Geyer, please step out of the room till we are done".

"Yeah. Of course" he looks at me and after walks outside.

Skip the questions that the Judge did to Yn

The Judge walks outside and I let out a sigh. I leave the room and the Sheriffs take me out of the court. I see Sheriff Stilinski and I sigh.

"Yn? What are you doing here?".

"Came to help Liam. I think it worked".

He nods at me and I just wait. Then I heard the Judge saying that Liam will stay with David and I sigh in relief. I'm happy that they are staying together. The door opens and I see Liam and David walking outside. Liam looks confused but David is smiling at him.

"How did it go?" I ask Liam.

"I'm staying with my dad".

"I'm so happy to hear that" we start walking outside.

"They said that someone came and talked to the Judge about our situation but we don't know who".

"Well whoever that person is, you're lucky that they got here".

"Really lucky" we get outside.

"Umm, Liam? Can you give us a minute?" David says.

"Sure. See you tomorrow, Yn?".

"Absolutely" he smiles and walks to the car. David leans to my ear so Liam doesn't hear anything.

"Thank you" he pulls away and I nod.

He walks at his car and drives away. I softly smile but then I hear Sheriff running outside and he runs to me.

"Yn, your father is on the phone" I look scared. I forgot to tell them that I'm leaving the house. Sheriff hands me the phone and I take a deep breath before I talk.


"Where the fuck are you?".

"I-I am coming".

"Now" he hung up and I sigh. I hand the Sheriff his phone.

"Want me to drive you?" he definitely heard what Peter said. He was yelling after all.

"If you can".

"Let's go".

We get into his car and he drives me back home. I'm scared to go back. Derek and Peter will be angry with me. After all the last whole week I have been lying to them a lot about everything. I couldn't say that I'll go to the court. They wouldn't let me to. We finally arrived.

"Thank you very much".

"Stay safe".

I nod and walk inside. He drives away. As I close the door and turn around, I see Peter and Derek leaning against the walls with their arms crossed. I try to stay calm.

"Time for you to explain don't you think?" Peter says and I gulp visible on them.

"To the kitchen. Now" Derek says and I walk there. They walk right behind me. "Take a seat" I take everything in me to sit down.

"What the hell is going on, Yn?" Peter says angrily.

"I can explain everything if you promise me one thing".

"To not yell?" Derek says.

"To not say anything to Liam" they both look confused.

"What happened?".

"Liam went to court with his step parents. His step mother wanted to take him but he doesn't want to. He wanted to stay with his step father. At the court he would lose the court if there wasn't someone to talk to the Judge about how much Davin, his step father, loves Liam. I ... I talked with David and he agreed with me to talk to the Judge".

"You talked with the Judge".


"Why didn't you tell us about it?" Peter says.

"Because I was scared that you would tell something at Liam and I don't want him to know that".

"Why don't you want him to know?".

"He didn't want me to go against his step mother. I don't know the reason. He didn't want my help at all" Peter sighs.

"You should tell us" Derek says.

"I know. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to lie but I didn't want him to know" he nods at me. "I'm sorry".

"It's okay".

"Just the next time, talk to us" Peter says.

"I promise".


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