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"Yn, I'm sorry. I know. I should talk to you but you already had gotten death threats too and I didn't want you to worry about me too" I sigh as I hear what Eli said.

"I don't care for the death threats, Eli. You shouldn't care either. That's what they want. They want to hurt you and make you wanna die" he sighs.

"I'm sorry".

"Don't worry about that. Just the next rime please don't hide it from me" he nods at me. "Great. Well. Did Theo help you at least?".

"Not a lot but yeah".

"Not a lot? Why? Was he harsh on you?".

"No. Nothing like that. He just didn't know what to do and say so he calms me down".

"If he hurt you, you better tell me" he chuckles.

"He didn't. Don't worry".

"Okay. Good" he laughs and I smile at him. I love seeing him smile. "Don't stop smiling, dumbass. Okay?" he chuckles and nods. The door opens and Melissa walks inside.

"You're safe to go home but first could I talk to you, Yn, for a second?".

"Sure. Get ready and I'll be back" Eli nods and I walk outside with Melissa. "What happened?".

"I found these" she hands me some letters. "They fell from his pockets when you brought him" I take them and look at them. Those are for me.

"Those fell from Eli?".


Those death threats are for me. Not for Eli. There are of course and a couple of letters about Eli but mine ... Those are harsh. Too harsh.

"You have to stop it, Yn" I look at her. "Go at the Sheriff station. Talk to them about those. It mustn't continue. Eli already got hurt enough. The same goes for you" I sigh.

"Well I'm okay with it anymore".

"You are. Eli?" I stare at her. "I know that you don't want to go at the Sheriff station because of the courts and more stuff about it but you have to think about you and Eli".

"They won't believe me even if I go".

"Yes they will. You have the letters".

"I know what I'm saying. They won't believe me. The judge doesn't believe me".

"He believed you with Liam's situation".

"Liam had a different judge. For stuff like those, there is another judge that hates me".

"Go at the Sheriff station. They will help you" I just stare at her. "You and Eli were both ready to die because of those. You don't deserve that" I nod at her.

"Okay" she nods at me.

"Take care" I nod and she walks away. I let out a sigh and just then Eli walks outside. He definitely heard what Melissa and I talked about.

"Let's go?" he says.

"Yeah. Let's go".

We walk outside and go at the bus station. We sit down and just wait for the bus to pass. I keep my mind on what Melissa said. I take the letters off my pocket and look at Eli. He looks at the letters and afterwards at me.

"Why did you take those?" he just stares at me without saying anything. "Eli, c'mon. I'm not a baby. In fact, I'm older than you. I think I can get a little bullying from those bastards".

"Well I didn't want you to".

"I told you multiple times. I don't care about what they will say".

"Well I do. Okay?" I stare at him. "I do and I didn't want you to see those shits. You didn't deserve to read those. You may be older but I'm well aware that every time that you read those, you lock yourself in your room the night and cut yourself. I'm not stupid" I sigh.

"But I'm alive, aren't I?".

"Because you heal yourself".

"Because I know that I'm not responsible about that too".

"But you still hurt yourself. You may not feel responsible but you continue and cut yourself about them".

"It's the moment".

"Moment and bullshits".

"Eli, c'mon. I stopped cutting since one week ago".

"Yeah. Continue lying".

"I haven't cut in a week".

"You tried to suicide".

"That has nothing to do with cutting".

"It's the same thing".

"It's not the same thing. The motor slipped because it was raining and I fell and hit my head. No big of deal".

"No big of deal? You were ready to die".

"I lived".

"Because you're a werewolf. If you weren't?".

"But I am".

"If you weren't?".

"But I am, Eli. Alright? I am a werewolf and I healed. I lived. I survived. Okay? I fucking survived all these and I will keep surviving" he sighs this time.

"This has to stop somehow".


"The Sheriff-"

"The Sheriff will send us at the court and the judge about those situations hates me. Guess what. I'll stay in jail for months. Possibly a year".

"I'll be there. The judge will believe me".

"You can't understand, Eli. Even if she (the judge) does something to those bastards that sent us those, she will send me in jail either way".

"But that won't be fair".

"No one can go against the judge. She's a bitch".

The Sheriff-"

"The Sheriff is just the Sheriff. He can't do anything about our situation".

"Why don't you want to find a solution?".

"Excuse me?".

"It's like you don't want this to stop" I just stare at him. "Why do you want to live like that?".

"I don't".

"It doesn't look like you don't".

"Well I don't".

"I don't believe you".

"That's not my problem".

"You may like living like this but I don't. Actually I hate living like this. It's the worst kind of pain. Even with that bitch that I have for mother, I lived better" I just stare at him.

The bus arrives and we both enter. We remain silent for the rest of the ride. When we arrive at our bus stop, we get out and go to our house. We arrived a few minutes later. We both enter and he goes at his room without another word. I sigh and close the door.

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