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The bell rings and I got ready for the practice. Coach said that today we will run and won't practice on lacrosse. We all got ready and go to the field. I keep an eye on Liam for anything.

"Get out of here. Hale, stay for a minute" I sigh and nod.

"I'll catch up to you" Theo, Liam, Stiles and Scott nod and they run away with the others. "Did I do something, coach?".

"Do you know anything about what happened to Liam? I remember that you don't like each other that much".

"Liam and I are good friends and no. I don't know anything about those boys and why they did what they did".

"Are you sure?".

"100% sure".


I run behind the others and manage to catch up with them. I go near the Theo and he looks at me. Liam is running with Scott and Stiles.

"Everything's okay?" Theo asks me.

"Some things don't add up".

"What do you mean?".

"There were more Ghostriders" I look at him. "Right? They weren't only 3".


"Where are they then? Did something or someone killed them? Are they hiding so they can attack us when we won't be ready?" he remains silent thinking about it. "How many were they?".

"Around 10 in total".

"We have 7 left. Where are they?".

"We will have to find out".

"And quickly".

We all continue running till we are done. We go to the locker room and change again. After we all walk outside. As I get out of the school and walk over to my motor, I notice Derek and ... Argent? They see me and Chris smiles.

"Holy shit" they walk near me and I hug him. He hugs me back and after we pull away. "What are you doing here?" I say as I smile.

"Came to kill some Ghostriders" I frown and Scott looks at me.

"We managed to kill the 7 that were left" Derek says and to say the truth, that calmed me.

"Wait. Are you joking?".

"Are we laughing?".

"Fuck yeah. You can't imagine how worried I was about those 7 Ghostriders that were left".

"Well we assumed that so here we are" Chris says.

"Thank you very much" they softly smile. "Are you going to go back or ... "

"Unfortunately I'll leave but I'll come again" I let out a sigh.

"Okay then" he hugs me again and I hug him too. After we pull away again.

"We will talk soon".

"See you soon".

Chris gets into his car and drives away. I look at Derek and he nods at me. I wear my helmet and he gets into his car. I drive back home and he is right behind me. When we arrived, we walk inside and I go straight downstairs. I leave my bag and walk upstairs. I go into the kitchen and Peter hands me the lunch.


We all sit down and eat. After a while we are and everybody go to their room. I sit to study a bit before I go to train with Liam. I put on my headphones and listen to music while studying. It helps me a lot to be honest. Just then I see the door opening and I look up. I see Derek. I take off my headphones and put them around my neck.

"Everything's alright?".

"I talked with Eli" he closes the door and walks inside.


"Can you go get him?".


"Thank you. I owe you".

"No worries. What time and from where?".

"He will be 30 minutes after your lacrosse game will be done here. At the bus station a bit out of Beacon Hills".

"If you can get my stuff then I'm going".

"No worries about that".

"Then I'm going. He doesn't have any problem with the motorcycle. Right?".

"No problem".


"Perfect. So I'll let you study. Will you to train later?".

"Yeah. I'll meet up with Liam after the appointment with the psychologist".

"What time is your appointment?".

"In about an hour".

"Okay. Need a ride?".

"I'll take the motorcycle".

"Okay. I'll be upstairs if you will need me".


He walks upstairs and I put on my headphones again.

I start studying till my alarm goes off. I look at the time. An hour is already done? Derek left minutes ago. Ugh. I put the headphones around my neck, place my books in my bag, grab my keys and my phone, take off my headphones and walk upstairs.


"What time will you be back?" I hear Peter saying just before I get out of the door.

"The night".

"What time?".

"I don't know. It will be for sure before 1 am".

"Fine. Stay safe".

"Will do. Bye".


I get out, wear my helmet and drive away. I arrive at the psychologist a few minutes later. I take off my helmet and walk inside. Alex was waiting from outside doing some paperwork. When he sees me he softly smiles.

"How are you, Yn?".

"A lot better. How about you?".

"Really good" we walk inside.

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