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The next morning I changed into my clothes for the day:

The next morning I changed into my clothes for the day:

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I grab my bag and walk downstairs. I see Derek staring out of the window. That's weird. Then I saw that. There is a triskelion on the window.

"Derek?" he turns out confused.

"Yn? Why are you awake? It's really early".

"I would go for a walk before school. What's that triskelion on the window?" he sighs.

"The Alpha pack symbol".



"What are we gonna do?".

"We? No no no. I can't risk your life. I'm gonna do it myself".

"No. If something happens and I won't be there, then what the bloody hell am I gonna do without you?" he just stares at me. "I'm coming with you".

"Yn, please".

"No" I drop down my bag and stare at him. He sighs.

"What the heck is going on, Derek? Yesterday you were telling me that I'm fucking stronger than them and now you don't want me with you?".

"That's way different, Yn. You can't understand".

"No it's not. Nothing different than that".

"I don't want you to get hurt".

"If you do? Huh? What if something happens to you? What am I gonna do afterwards?" he doesn't talk. "I'm coming with you" he sighs.

"Fine" he stares at me. "Fine. Okay. Take these" he drops me some keys.

"What are those for?".

"The keys for this apartment and your motor".

"My what?".

"You have a motor from now on".

"Jeez. Thank you, Derek" he nods at me.

"Let's go".

We both walk downstairs and I see my motor. That shit is beautiful.

"Follow me and don't stop"

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"Follow me and don't stop".

"I won't".

"I can't believe that".

"Shut up and get in".

He gets in his car and starts driving. I follow him behind. We came to a stop. I saw Scott and Issac waiting there.

"So you take them but not me".

"Just forget it, Yn. Alright?".

"Everything's alright?" Issac says.

"Yeah. Let's go".

We all walk inside. We came face to face with Deucalion, the twins and other 2 werewolves. We all stop and stare at them. I look at the twins and they look back to me. Issac catches my hand and I look at him. He nods at me and I nod back to him. The twins attacked us and we all started fighting. I look at Deucalion and attack him. We 2 start fighting. I managed to drop him down once but then I see that the werewolf that Derek is fighting with is ready to drop him down the "cliff". I ran there. The werewolf threw him down but I grabbed him from his hand. The Alphas go away.

"Leave my arm or you're gonna fall as well" Derek says.

"No. I'm not gonna leave you. I can't lose you".

"It's alright, Yn".

"It's not alright. I can't live without you".

"It's okay. You got this".

"No. Derek please. No" he leaves my hand and falls. "DEREK" Isaac and Scott ran to me as I started crying. "DEREK" Issac pulls me to his hug as I cry harder and harder.

"Shhhh. It's alright".

After a few minutes we all walked outside. Before the boys say anything I wear my helmet and drive away. I drive back home but stop when I unlock the door. He gave me the keys because he knew that it would happen. I heard something from the inside and I walked inside. I see Peter.

"Peter?" he turns around and looks at me.

"Uhh ... Hello, Yn".

"What the hell are you doing here? I killed you".

"You didn't kill me".

"Get the fuck out".

"I need to talk to Derek. The Alpha pack-"

"Derek is dead and we all know about the Alpha pack. Looks like you are late as fuck and also you still and don't care about me which makes everything worse".

"He's dead?".

"Yes. Need anything else?".

"Yeah. I actually do".

"Then tell me".

"I need a place to stay".

"Ha. Funny joke".

"I'm not joking, Yn".

"You should".

"Yn, please. I need a place to stay" I sigh.

"You are lucky that I'm not good at the moment. There is an empty room. It's the first from the left side".

"Thank you".


I walk upstairs and slam close to my door. I jump on my bed and start crying. Derek can't be dead. I shouldn't leave his hand. He died because of me. Because of me. Fuck.

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