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I woke up by my phone ringing. I answer it before I even check who called me.


"Yn, come to the hospital right now".

"Scott?" I sit up to my bed. "What happened?".

"It's a psychotic man here. He is somewhere around here but we can't hear where exactly".

"I'm coming".

"Quickly" we hung up and I immediately changed clothes.

I grab my phone and run upstairs quietly

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I grab my phone and run upstairs quietly. I try to be as quiet as possible. I rush outside and run at the hospital. A few minutes later I arrived and ran inside. I hear footsteps so I run over there. As I took a turn I fell up to Scott.


"Where's the man?".

"I don't know. Go from there and I'm going from there".

"Okay. Be careful".

"You too".

We immediately take different tracks and run away. I searched the whole hospital but then I stopped. Scott said when he called me that this man is psychotic. If he's psychotic then he's in the middle of the building. I immediately ran there and as I took the turn I saw a man with blood over to Melissa. I roar and he looks at me. He immediately runs away and I run to Melissa.

"Are you okay?".

"Yes. Go".

"Are you sure?".

"I'm okay" we see Scott running near us.

"Stay with her. I got him".


I leave Scott with Melissa and I run behind the man. He enters the elevator and I run so I can enter too. I managed to get into the elevator before the doors closed. We start fighting and I can say that he fights really well. He's an Alpha. His eyes turn to red. He grabs me by my throat and pushes me against the wall of the elevator. I'm going to fucking die and Peter and Derek won't know anything about it. The doors of the elevator open and I see Derek stabbing his claws at the back of the Alpha. He throws him away and looks down to me.

"Shouldn't you be asleep?" I breathe heavily and sigh.

"I'm sorry. I ... "

"You will explain back home. Let's go".

He helps me to stand up and we get out of the elevator. The Alpha is dead. We see Melissa and Scott stopping as they see the man. Scott gulps when he sees Derek.


"You could call me, you know" Scott doesn't say anything. "Are y'all okay?".

"Yeah. We are okay. Did you two get hurt?" Derek looks at me.

"We are okay" I say.

"Good" Derek mentions me to walk.

"See you tomorrow".

"Bye" Melissa and Scott say.

Derek and I walk outside. We get into his car and he starts driving back to the house. We stayed in silence till we arrived. As we entered the house I saw Peter standing there with his arms crossed waiting for us. He just stares at me. Derek closes the door and walks to Peter and stands next to him.

"Want to say something?" Derek says.

"I know that I shouldn't leave without telling one of you about it but when Scott called me I could understand how scared he was. I couldn't leave him like that" Derek shuts his eyes and then opens them again trying to stay calm. "I should tell you and not leave like that but I didn't want something bad to happen to Scott and Melissa. They both saved my life multiple times".

"You could tell us, Yn. Not let us think that you ran away" Peter says. He remembers what I said to Alex.

"I wouldn't run away".

"Oh yeah?".

"I don't want anymore" I say in a low voice as I lower my stare a bit.

"But you want to fucking die".

"No" I immediately looked up to him.

"Right. You don't want someone else to kill you but yourself".

"It's not like that, Peter. It's nothing like that".

"Then what is it like?".

"Can we not talk now about it?" I don't want Derek to know.

"He knows everything" I look at Derek and then back to Peter.

"You told him?".

"He heard by himself".

"Heard what?" Peter looks at Derek.

"The whole meeting with your psychologist" Derek says and I sigh. I didn't want him to know about it.

"I just couldn't find another solution. Okay? But that has nothing to do with the hospital and that man".

"He could have killed you" Derek toned the word 'killed'.

"I'm aware but he didn't".

"Because lucky of you I was there".

"I would be able to push him away and then maybe scratch him".

"You were against the fucking wall of an elevator, Yn. How the heck would you be able to push him away. You were losing air".

"I would find a solution".

"Right. You would die".

"I wouldn't die".

"You couldn't breathe" I stay in silence and lower my stare. They don't say anything too.

"Can I go to my room now?" I say in a low voice as I felt tears forming in my eyes. I didn't want to cry in front of them.


I immediately ran downstairs and entered my room. I sit to my bed and sigh. I mustn't cry. Not because of that. I wanted to help Scott and nothing more or less. They can't blame me for caring for my friend.

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