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In the morning the ship was hustling and bustling as I was attempting to balance two breakfast through the crowd. One of the plates were remarkably more filled than the other.

Outside of the large crowd, over on the stairs up to the front of the ship, Sunghoon sat on a step. Patiently waiting for me to come back with his breakfast - which I had insisted on getting for him.

"Here," I murmured and gave him one of the plates.

"Woah," he murmured in shock once he saw it and I sat down beside him, "since when do have this big porti-" he paused as his eyes landed on my plate, "Soomin..."

"Jiyeon told me," I excused casually before glancing up towards the helm, where Jungwon was just as insistant as me to bring Jiyeon her breakfast, "you gave her all of your food when the guards gave you your meals."

"Not all," he reminded with a small laugh.

"Just enough for you to stay alive," I nodded in agreement, "I'll be fine. The food potions here are larger and more frequent."

"I would be fine with a normal portion," he reminded softly and I immediately shook my head, "Soomin, it would've been fine."

"Eat your breakfast," I insisted, "please?"

"We have to talk," he immediately declared and put his plate aside before grabbing mine and doing the same.

"Breakfast first," I excused and reached out for our plates before he casually grabbed both of my arms and pulled them back from the plates.

Despite his frail and weak look he was still surprisingly strong. Almost catching me off guard once I looked up at his face, which still looked as dead as the other day he sat in his cell with Jiyeon leaning against him.

"I am fine," he sternly insisted as a small smile spread on his face, "alright? Got it?"

"But-" I started.

"No..." he cooed in amusement, "I am fine."

"Sunghoon you look sick," I sighed and he hummed quietly, "you can't possibly be fine. You offered majority of your food to Jiyeon for how long? How long did you sit in that cell?"

"Only two weeks," he remarked and I arched my brows, "you asked for that cell."

"How long were you two in that facility?" I questioned and he sighed quietly.

"At least a month," he admitted and let go of my hands before ruffling a hand through his hair, which looked stickier than usual since he hadn't got the chance to wash off yet. He would be getting that tonight by the plans Jay had made.

"Mhm... and for a month you gave Jiyeon enough of your food for her to stay at her usual weight, which means you have lived on what? A bean a day?" I questioned and he let out a small laugh.

"It was more than a bean," he chuckled, "I'm fine, really," he assured and nudged the side of my thigh, "I thought we had agreed I had something to live for, didn't we?"

"What?" I snorted as I grabbed his plate and shoved it back into his hands, watching as he gently placed the plate in his lap.

"The few months you would be with us at sea," he cheekily remarked and for a moment he looked like his old self as he looked over at me with a wide grin. 

A small smile made its way onto my face as I looked down at my breakfast, trying to force myself into accepting he really was fine. Even though I found it completely impossible. 

Slowly a soft finger rubbed up and down on the small part of my calf that was showing from under my skirt. Glancing up I traced the gentle finger back to Sunghoon, who was sitting and eating from the apples on his plate - glancing around the ship as if it was the most normal thing to date.

Maybe he really was feeling fine.

"Jay's letting me stay in his quarter for some time. He'll be taking my hammock I suppose," Sunghoon revealed and I raised my eyebrows in shock.

"Really?" I questioned.

"Mhm... he mentioned it to be something along the lines that Jiyeon had a proper bed to rest in to get back up on top, and I should at least have the same possibility too," he excused with a shrug before glancing over at me, letting his finger come to a half on my calf, "I'm sure you could join me if you'd like."

"You need some proper rest," I shook my head quietly.

"Then I'm gonna rephrase it," he announced, "I want you to join me... I think I would be more at ease if I'm not alone in the sleeping quarter."

"We'll see," I murmured quietly, "I think tonight I'll stay down in the hammocks... Sunoo is still moody and is trying his very best to convince Lin to get off the boat at any time he has the chance."

"He'll come around, like you did," Sunghoon assured with a small nod, "but it's fine... I'll survive for one night."

I sent him a small smile before leaning over and resting my head on his shoulder. More boney than I recalled it being. It felt quite peaceful as the ship rocked back and forth in the water while crashing through waves.

"Soomin!" a voice yelled from up above and I lifted my head and tilted it back. From the Crow's Nest Lin was leaning over the railing - her hair messier than it usually was back home. The effect of humid salt water air in the mornings.

"Yes?" I called back, raising my hand to screen my eyes from the sun.

"I finished fixing the rigging! What do I do now?" She yelled back down and I glanced around a bit.

"You started with the rigging too," Sunghoon murmured quietly and I just nodded in agreement.

"Uhm... come back down on deck Lin, I'll help you find something," I assured and she immediately nodded before disappearing once again, "I should go help her," I excused and shoved the rest of my food over onto Sunghoon's plate.

"Take your bread," he quickly offered and extended one of his two pieces towards me, "don't look at me like that... I know you had a piece as well before you got me a breakfast."

"Thank you," I murmured with a small smile and grabbed the bread as he only pressed a small kiss to my cheek, "make sure to not do too much today, alright?" I questioned as I got up from the stairs and turned to look at him, "make that a promise."

"Sure... I promise," he hummed with a small smile, "now go help our new crew member like only you can."

I kept staring at him for a few more seconds before rushing off to go help Lin find something to do the moment she stepped foot back down on the deck once again.

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