Chapter 99

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Today is the last day the boys will be the boys.

I wake up first. I get ready for the day and weirdly as I make breakfast Mom walks through the door.

I walk towards it.

"So you wanna tell me why you are being secretive? Walking into the house so early? Why I barely see you in the night?"

"Kahlil, first of all watch your tone. Second of all I was with my girls. I came home. Then I went to run errands."

"You have nothing with you."

"I said I went to run errands not that I went shopping or something. Now I would like to go take a shower and relax for a bit if you are done interrogating me. It smells like burning bacon."

I run back to the stove.

I like my bacon crisp. Wayne not so much. Oh well.

Soon enough they get down here. "I smell bacon!" Tyrel grabs a plate.

"I smell burned bacon." Wayne yawns.

"It's not burned. Just admit you like eating raw pork fat."

"Give me a slice of toast." He pushes past me.

"Why are you so tired?"

He shakes his head. That's how I know it has to do with the girlfriend.

I'm not going to say it.

I go grab the boxes.

I set each respective one in front of their person.

Tyrel goes for it.

He groans seeing the picture on top. We all have that picture on top.

It's a picture of us on the first day of freshman year.

We were all extremely thin and scrawny. Tyrel had a high top fade. Wayne had jerri curls. I had my my same old buzz. And I was taller than Kodah.

"How did you get girls. You look like a fool!" Tyrel flicks Wayne.

"Me? You look like the guy from that subway game."

"Okay move on. Now." I cut in because they can go on a roast session for hours.

"Hey, this is our invention from our first tech class. The flipper."

We made a mechanical prosthetic flipper for amputee children so they can swim the easy way.

I eat as they go through their stuff.

"Now which one of you put this in here?" Wayne pulls out a bunch of notes.

Tyrel and I start cracking up. "It wasn't me." We say.

Which means it was Kodah.

"Well Kodah was the one who thought it was funny to fake your secret admirer sophomore year."

"You two played along with him!" Wayne points at us.

Tyrel and I mimick Wayne. "What if she's Bridgit. I can't go out with a blonde. Do you know what will happen to my rep if I stray from my women of colour?"

"What if it's Tamera finally seeing that I'm the guy for her? Then we would be like. No you idiot. Look at her with Simone. Then he'd get mad and fight with him. Kodah would drag you away."

I shake my head with a smile. "The good old days. Wait you mentioned a girl!" I snatch his box.

"I already have the box you idiot. It's done. I know you've been dodging your girls texts. You know her cousin was kicked out?"

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