Chapter 94

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I wake up to Kahlil hissing and groaning.

I blink a few times and nearly scream seeing our best friends in the room.

"Ummm hi?" I cross my hands over my chest.

Kahlil isn't fully awake yet.

Wayne who is staring at the wall speaks, "Mrs. Hayes left early in the morning. And simply assumed you stayed the night because he actually sleeps when you are here. But you slept through the day and didn't come to school. You didn't answer the door. The balcony was open. And here you are."

I stare at Tamera mortified. She explains with amusement plastered on her face, "Wayne saw nothing. From the balcony all you see is Kahlil's butt and your foot. I got in. Covered him. And told Wayne to face the wall. So care to explain why y'all are butt naked?"

At this time Kahlil stirs awake. He looks up at me and gives me a smile then he frowns, he's staring at my chest. "Move your—"

"Tamera and Wayne are right there." I rush out.

He freezes and doesn't speak right away. "You know the second one of y'all saw us naked, why wasn't the first reaction to leave?"

"You know, just wanted to make sure you were alive. You know it's three in the afternoon?" Tamers says.

Kahlil yawns. "She tired me out."

"Baby, please stop talking."

"No. And you definitely aren't calling me that anymore."


"You weren't calling me that last night."

Embarrassed, I suck in a huge breath. "Kahlil—"

He makes disagreeing noises.

"Yeah. Y'all are nasty." Wayne calls us out.

"Get out. Leave us alone!" Kahlil yells.

"So mister I'm sensitive to touch how is it possible that you got to the point where she tired you out?"

He is shaking trying to hold in his laughter. He catches my eye. "Once?"

"No. You are embarrassing me."

"Last night you said and I quote, 'You should never be embarrassed when I'm at your side.' So you shouldn't be embarrassed right now."

I try to change the subject. "Can I make you breakfast?"


I nod.

He smirks and I feel his hands trail my body that's covered by his. And when he gets too close in between I panic and slip out from under him.

Kahlil moans and groans, pissed off and I don't care.

Tamera is eyeing me. "Were you always so muscular?"

"Stop looking at her!" Kahlil sneers.

"Oh please we practically took baths together as toddlers. I've seen her body more times than you've have 12 times over."

"Keisha, I'm cold come back!"

I want to crawl in a hole and hide.

"Wayne can you side step your way out of the room please?" I beg.

As he does, so I turn to Tamera. "Twenty minutes. Just give us twenty minutes."

"Your boobs look so different today. They are like more perky for some reason—" I push her out and lock the door.

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