Chapter 24

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I walk for a bit. It's freezing outside. I soon pick up my phone. I mute notifications from Kahlil before they start. I call Mom.

"Can you pick me up from the park with that big tree?"

"Keisha, why? What's going on? It's awful out there, I thought you were at Kahlil's?"

"Mom please come pick me up. Don't tell Dad? I don't want to make this a big deal."

"I'll be there soon."

I hang up. I wait. Damn I really let their words get to me.

Mom gets here. I wipe my face with my sleeves before getting in the car. It's a silent ride home.

When we get there I go straight up to my room.

A couple of minutes pass and my parents knock.

I don't answer.

"Keisha we are coming in." They say.

They look concerned. I guess I would be too if I saw my child curled up in bed, hugging a pillow, silently crying.

"What happened?" Dad asks.

"Nothing." I whisper.


"Can I please be alone for a bit. I appreciate you caring but I really just want to be alone."

They nod and slowly retreat out of the room.


I walk out of the room assuming she went to the bathroom.

She isn't there. I check my room. Nothing. I go downstairs. She's not in the powder room either.

I walk to the front door and see that it's unlocked and her shoes along with her jacket are gone.

I open the door. Fresh tracks. I put on my boots and run as I follow them.

They lead me to the park. When my eyes fall on the tree I feel the crash. A cold shiver runs down my spine. This is the first time I've been back here.

I resettle my focus on Keisha. The tracks stay near the street. Then they stop. There are car tracks. Yeah she probably got in a car. I run back home kinda ticked off.

I walk into the living room. Wayne lowers the volume on the tv. "Have you guys seen Keisha?" I ask them.

"She went upstairs looking for you or something—"

"Yeah but she came back down."

The boys shrug.

"Well I'm almost certain she left."

"What? Why?" Tamera who I nearly thought was asleep on Wayne sits up and questions me.

"I wish I knew. She thinks you guys don't like her. She tried apologizing because she thought she ruined New Years and then she went away from me. Her boots and coat are gone."

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