Chapter 23

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I don't reply.

The ladies gasp as there is a water trail following me.

"Kahlil!" Mom finally snaps when I get upstairs and grab a towel.


She looks at me concerned. "Are you okay?"

"I want out." I say slowly and calmly.

"Kahlil you've been friends with those boys since middle school."

"Sometimes history isn't worth it. I'm tired."

"I need you to think this through—

"I am."

She stands right in front of me. "Get out of these wet clothes and meet me in my room."


When I get in her room I groan. "Mom why? I don't need to see pictures!" Guilting me won't work.

"When Keisha implied that everything should be laid out tonight, I definitely do not believe she meant your closest friends. Yes. Change is needed. But you are so different from the rest of them. Maybe they care about what people think. Maybe that's why Tyrel never outwardly admitted that he's bi—"

"How did you know?"

"I know a lot about you boys. And all of them feel comfortable enough to speak with me on things they are struggling with. I told Tyrel since he doesn't think his sexuality is a big deal he shouldn't act like it is. What he does with whoever he wants is his business.

"Wayne is hot headed. I get that but he is your best friend and you know deep in your soul that you don't want to lose him over your perspectives on life. Have you ever asked him why he turned down Tamera? Do you think he never regretted it? How hard he is working to keep her because he feels like she can have anyone at the drop of a hat?

"And yeah. I love Keisha for you but the both of you fail to understand that she is far ahead of all of you. The way she was raised, she has patience, she is upfront and accepts consequences. I've never met a girl so young like this before and it is so rare. You have something special but I can't help but think you were better as a secret."

I tilt my head to the side. "Why do you say that?"

"How much do you really know about her? You guys have fun or whatever but look; you pour your heart out to her and since she is so good at masking her emotions you simply think everything is fine and that there's no issue. Kahlil that is a huge issue."


"Wayne! Why would you do that?" I glare at him.

"You changed him. I wish he never met you! All you do is act so tough. Act like you are above us. You act like you are so perfect. I knew there was something up when he said he knew you were a Simone and still wanted you. I don't know what you have against him but whatever it is can't be that bad for him to force this relationship with you." He begins to walk away. I hear every word he mutters under his breath, "I can't believe it went that far where you coerced him into sleeping with you. Put him out of his misery and break up."

"Mera?" He calls on her.

I watch my best friend look between me and her boyfriend.

She raises one finger for one minute. She walks away with him.

I take a deep breath and sigh. "You guys have anything to get off your chest?"

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