Chapter 96

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Amia went ghost. Tomorrow is her birthday and I still feel awful after her little outburst.

I'm with Kahlil getting ready for graduation.

"Baby, I'm going to ask you for a favour but you can't blow up. You can ask but no getting ahead of yourself?" I ask as I lay down my wig.

"What is is?"

"Give me your phone so that I can call Emmet."

He stutters before calmly asking me, "why?"

"Amia won't answer my calls and there's no doubt in my mind that she's with him."

He takes out his phone and raises it to his ear.

He frowns immediately. "Don't think anything of it. The missus wants to talk." He gives me his phone.

"Bex, is Amia with you?"

"Yes, why?"

"I was wondering if she'd be coming to my graduation. I have her ticket but she hasn't been responding to my texts or calls."

There's a bit of background noise then I hear, "She will be passing."

That kinda hurts. "Did she say why?"

More noise.

"Have her parents called you yet?"

"If she wants to play this game, so be it. I have two extra tickets. Tell her my Grandparents will have them if the both of you decide to show. I have a hunch she'll be wherever you are."

I hang up before he replies.

"What's going on?" Kahlil asks me.

"Amia has been feeling a bit neglected by her parents and feels like Jrake constantly steals her thunder."

"Is this about the party?"

I bob my head side to side. "It's her birthday too..."


"She kinda blew up in a vent and stormed off. She hasn't been home in days and her parents haven't even asked which helps her point. She asked me to ask you to cancel the party."

"Why didn't you ask?"

I look back at him. "Kahlil, I couldn't do that."

"Yeah you could. I would've don't it."

"You are so cruel! He's a child."

"And Amia is like a sister to you."

"Jrake is like a brother."

"I dont know that kid."

"You only wanna back out because your mom doesn't know 30 twelve year olds will be running around her house tomorrow."

"WHAT!" Robin happens to walk in here.

No one speaks.

She glares at her son. "No kids are allowed in the house. Everything happens outside."

"My shower room!" he whines.

"Forget about it. You are done swimming. I will not have a bunch of children in my house. Why are they going to be here?"

"He let an 11 year old bruise his ego and decided to flaunt." I explain. "Now. Let's go." I lightly powder my face. And pick up my gown and cap.

"Can you stop pacing!" He groans.

"Can you leave me alone!"

"Okay! Get in my car now. What is wrong with you too!" Robin scolds us.

I get into the passenger seat which pisses Kahlil off more.

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