Chapter 92

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I picked Kahlil up from his house to take him to school.

He walks out of his house in the highest turtle neck I've ever seen. Sunglasses. He has a headset on fit for a pro gamer. He has on biker gloves. And he's in leather boots.

"You know it's 30 degrees? Todays high is 36?"

"You threatened me. You are lucky I came out of my house." He puts his helmet on.

"No. You are a drama queen. Let's go."

I rev my engine.

When we get to school he doesn't take the helmet off. So Wayne holds him down. Tamera takes it off.

"How dare you hide my hard work!"

"Hard work it only took three hours!"

"Exactly. It was free. Do you know how much that hair piece alone costs?"

"You offered!"

"Yes because clearly. If you're not happy she's not happy and it really sucks when she's not happy."

As they talk I head to my locker. Where Tasha is waiting.

"Hey?" I ask confused.

"I have no right to ask, but is he—"

I nod. "He's fine. He's dramatic and lost a bit of confidence, but he's fine."

"I feel awful—"

"Why? You didn't do anything."

"I told them to leave you alone. That's what I did. And people are known to do the opposite of what people tell them. I pried them for information before the shutdown. Bleach? Denture cleaner, then the acidity of lemon juice, milk and glue and crap? Those chemicals together will create an irreversible burn. Tamera did his hair didn't she?"

"Yep. How do you?"

"You know Tamera and I didn't always hate each other? I taught her how for her Dad. It was a Father's Day gift. I'm still her supplier to this day."

"So why does she hate you cuz I know why you hate her."

"I think it's because I hated her first she felt the need to act back. Later, Keisha—"

"What?" I'm no longer on the floor. "Wayne Carter!" I scolds him as he walks with me in his arms.

"It was the missus." He sets me down in front of Tamera.

"Are you two friends now or something?" She looks pissed.

"Tamera, she was apologizing. Lately she's been really transparent. She's not bothering you. She—"

"She hates me!"

"I think she's tired. Tired of all the fighting. Aren't you? She told me she's the one who taught you how to do that. That you two didn't always hate each other—" I point at Kahlil's head.

Kahlil grabs my hand and drags me away.

"What are you doing!" I snap when I break his hold.

"Baby, you are smart. But you push your best friend away every time you bring up Tasha. It's kinda like why I don't bring up Jude anymore because it makes you upset. I don't talk an Bryson, I know how I feel about him. I have nothing nice to say about him. I know you still contact him which pisses me off. So I don't talk about him. So maybe one day she'll open up, but you can't expect her to not react this way when you do the same but clap back at her like she's in the wrong."

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