Chapter 15

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"Keish, I'm gonna hang back for a sec, don't wait up." I kiss her cheek.

"You sure?" She asks me and I nod.

She gets on her way to school.

I on the other hand head go to Mom's office. She didn't say a word all morning. She grabbed her tea and left.

I take one step in;

"Go to school."

"We are going to talk." I say, taking a seat.

"There is nothing to talk about." She says.

"We both know that's a lie. I want to know why you are so triggered by Keisha and I close and alone."

"You won't understand."

"Then help me to. From your point of view you probably thought we were doing something or whatever you think us horrible teenagers do. But we were talking. And she fell asleep. Keisha has had trouble sleeping since she was strangled awake. She's always told me that she feels safe with me. When I was going to leave she pulled me back asking for me to stay with her, she needed me to stay with her."

"Was that before or after I left?"

"After." I know she doesn't believe me.

"I think Keisha should go back home."


"It's been almost three weeks since the incident and I'm certain her parents would want her back for Christmas break."

"You see that's a reasonable explanation. All you had to do was talk to me Mom." I sigh.

"Well Kahlil we don't have the best track record talking things out."

Okay I'll admit I'm was not the most negotiable person in the past but this is now. And now I realize, "You are waiting for me to slip up." I whisper.

"Kahlil that's not true."

I close my eyes and grab the bridge of my nose. "When I called you that day and told you I was at the precinct you immediately accused me of being in the wrong. Then I said Keisha was in the hospital and you thought I did something to her. Since I've got back this summer I've only gone to one party. At said party Tasha assaulted me. I distanced myself from my group of friends. I have focused on my studies and swimming. And whatever I do you'll just picture me as the kid everyone praises when he'll just mess up again." I make my way to leave.


I pause and listen.

"I am trying to save you from yourself. I can see the way you look at her. You love her. And I don't want you to fall in too deep."

"I'm not going to drop to one knee Mom. I'm not planning on telling her anytime soon. I know you like her. But sometimes I feel like you are trying to create the perfect little life for me that won't happen. We aren't dolls in a doll house. Sometimes Keisha and I will fight. Other times we'll joke around while cooking. Or like yesterday, I'll continue to be that person she can go to no matter what because no one makes her comfortable the way I do. No one makes her safe the way I do. Thanks for listening to me but I have to go to make warning bell."

I head off to school.

I get to class and sit next to Keisha.

"You are frowning. Wassup?" She pokes my face.

"Nothing just a misunderstanding with my mom."

"She saw us yesterday didn't she?"

"Keish, it's nothing for you to worry about."

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