Chapter 68

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Keithan put a new lock on my door. Meaning if a repeat of last time ever happened he can get in from the outside without breaking down the door. One click means I can get out but two means it's locked from both sides... and I can't get out.

I turn to my unwanted guest. I point at the window.

"There is a less likely chance of me exiting through the window than you managing to break the door down."

I grab my towel. Along with some clothes. I lock myself in the bathroom.

"You left your phone you know?"


I do take a shower. A long one. Anything to cut the wait time.

Eventually, I slowly start losing my mind. I can't tell how many minutes have gone by anymore. I'm bored out of my mind and my hands are wrinkled from splashing water around.

I exit the room and find Kahlil on my bed. Reading my journal. "Invasion of privacy much?"

"You won't tell me what's on your mind. You won't let me talk either." He closes it.

I sigh in defeat. "Why was Tasha on you this time?" I say in annoyance.

"I thought this wasn't about her?"

"You are in no position to be arguing like that." I sit at the desk.

"She put herself there. Hear me out. I was talking to the boys. She and her friends came in. She was standing right in front of me. I try moving. She makes the same moves. Then she sits on me. I tell her to get off. She didn't. I make my way to move her and all it took was one person to say, 'if you touch her that's assault' to make me freeze up. Words weren't working. I tried shuffling her off. It may have looked the wrong way but I promise it wasn't. And then at some point I gave up and stopped acknowledging—"

"She asked you about your beard."

"They guys wanted to know too. I was telling them. Not her. You've got to believe me."

"Why did Tyrel meet me outside and apologize on your behalf?"

"He came in during the shuffle. He probably took it out of context."

"I don't believe you."

"No, you don't want to believe me. Keisha, when have I ever lied to you?"

"Why were you ignoring me?" I disregard his question.

"I wasn't. I haven't been at school for the first three classes a day because the team has been going out for nationals."


He nods. "I'm at school at six in the morning. The team goes wherever we need to go. We do training exercises, we race, we talk to professionals. It's part of an initiative coach started for his legacy walk. Ask anyone on the team. Ask Wayne! I was going to talk to you, Keisha. Things always just seemed in the way. Then whenever I came around here your bike was gone so I just assumed you were at work. I checked sometimes and you always told me never to bother you at work at the grocery store so I wouldn't bother. I would've waited it out but I've been talking with my Dad every night. Timing has to be spot on because if I'm late—"

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