Chapter 72

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"Damn. That was the first time I ever lost a fight."

"So you wake up and that's the first thing you say!"

I turn to my left to see my girlfriend.

"Right... you okay?"

"No! I saw you drown!"

"I'm sorry, Love." I slowly watch her eyes widen.

"In a hospital bed and still desperate. Yep, he's just fine."

I close my eyes in regret and look to my right where Wayne, Tyrel, and Tamera are.

"Were you all just going to be silent?" I stare at them.

"Oh so you are only confident when we aren't around. Interesting." Wayne says.

"Keisha?" Tyrel questions her.

I look back at her and her eyes are already on mine.

She makes a break for it.

"Nope, be a woman and don't let his nicknames make you fold." Tamera walks her back to the chair.

"Nicknames?" I question.

Keisha speaks in a quiet voice, but also very quickly, "You called me Love. Why did you call me Love? What made you—" She stops talking and looks at the floor.

It's probably because I'm smiling at her. I can't help it. "You are adorable."

"Will you quit that!" she snaps at me.

I laugh. Then wince. Just then Mom and Keithan get in here. "Hey how you doing?"

"I'm fine. Chest hurts a little. Like heavy."

"Yeah you inhaled a bit of water. Most if it was drained. We took you off oxygen so you can get used to the feeling. Don't push yourself. No training at all for a week and a half. Come see me in that time and I'll let you know if you can swim, I'm certain your season will be postponed for an investigation. Now just take a few breaths." He checks me with a stethoscope.

He then leaves and Mom sits on my bedside. "You are always finding trouble."

"I think trouble finds me."

"And I bet no matter what he says you'll still swim."

"Mom, I have to finish this season. I'm weeks away from retiring my lane."

"Your confidence frightens me."


"I'm your Mom. I'm going to be concerned in front of your friends or not. Now do you want to be checked out tonight or wait till tomorrow?"

"I can go home?"

She nods. "And the rest of you are invited."

Keisha speaks up. "I don't think that's a good idea."

"Please." I say. "I still have your cake."

"You baked him a cake?" My friends ask her.

"It was for his supposed birthday party. It can feed like 60 people. I hope you put it in the freezer or something."

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