Chapter 86

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She got my dream car. No one knows this is my dream car. She got the make. The model. There's no doubt in my mind it's the correct decade.

The boys are drooling over the wagon, Mom taps me. "Hey, why aren't you excited like them?"

I smile softly. "She got this specifically for me. I never even told her about it."

"Well, Keisha, is great at gift giving. She pays close attention to you. She loves you."

"I am excited, but extremely nervous and I don't have any reason to be—"

Mom fixes my collar. "Breathe. You are fine. Prom is an exciting night. You have to let yourself enjoy it. Now where are you taking her if you are leaving early?"

I tell her everything. The truth.

"Why did you lie?" she asks me.

"I didn't want you to say I couldn't go. I just saw it as a place to escape reality. I haven't been there since we moved. But this morning I set everything up and being there made me calm enough to be myself at the meet. I used to go crazy before finals."

Mom laughs. "You think I don't know? Last year you got mad at me because I washed your lucky cap on a Tuesday and not a Thursday. When you get to your Dad's I hope he forces you to do your own laundry."

I roll my eyes and tell the boys to go back inside. We are running late.

Keithan, Marilyn, my grandparents, Auntie, and Dad and Tatum on the tablet are all here.

All I hear when we get inside is, "He'll definitely like that surprise. Do I get a surprise?"

"Tatum, I'll come see you in a few weeks okay? We'll give our surprise to him then okay? Now you gotta go to sleep. I heard you have a dentist appointment tomorrow morning."

"I don't like the dentist."

"They help you to keep your teeth clean. Just like how Dad helps our bodies be clean and healthy."

"Keisha, you have to takes lots of pictures, okay?"

"I promise buddy. Have a goodnight."

"Goodnight. You all look really pretty!"

The ladies say bye to Tatum. I spoke with him earlier. I guess Dad wants him to go to bed because it's way past his bedtime.

The girls have their backs to us. Keisha is wearing brown. Her brown is darker than mine.

Tamera is the first to turn around. She jumps a little. "So you all just walked in and said nothing?"

Then Meave turns around.

Keisha stays in place.

My two friends approach their girlfriends. I'm stuck in my place wondering.

The others match.

Wayne is in a dark green suit. He wears a black turtleneck underneath.

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