Chapter 67

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For the last couple of weeks. I've walked into school and I felt abnormal amounts of eyes.

I've ignored them. Kahlil still acts like I'm invisible.

Is this really how I made him feel?

He walks past me in halls like I'm air. He sits next to me in class, but doesn't acknowledge me. I have barely even seen his boys.

Today I've had enough. His birthday is this weekend and I have an early gift for him. I drag Tamera to the KH lounge during lunch.

The moment I step in I know this is going to be hard. She's in his lap. I make sure Tamera doesn't see.

He's not touching her but she is curled up against him with her head on his shoulder.

She plays with his now full beard.

His back is to me.

The only person who has noticed my presence is Tyrel.

I slowly shake my head.

I quietly walk out like I never saw a thing.


"You know what? It's your lunch day with Wayne. He's probably waiting for you by your locker." I say softly.

"Why won't you just tell me what's going on?"

"Nothing's wrong. Everything is fine. I need some air." I walk away before she stops me.

When I reach the back doors, I let out a dry sob when I feel the cold spring breeze.

Arms trap me in a hug. "I'm so sorry Keisha."

"I don't know what I'm doing wrong! Did I do that to him? Did I act like he's dust? Was I around some guy he took the wrong way? I've barely been at school this year and when I am I leave early! He said he wanted space. I'm giving him space but—"
I take a deep breath.

I walk away.


I wipe the tears. I breathe a bit more. "I'm overreacting."


"Tell Tamera I'm not feeling well... give him this, yeah?"

He takes the small box. "Where are you going?"

"Somewhere I don't want to admit I want to be right now."


"Hey ShaSha." His smile is wide when he sits down. Then it fades. "Why were you crying?"

I slowly shake my head.

"Keisha, you can talk to me."

I shake my head again.

"Then why come see me?"

"I wanted a familiar face." I admit.

"Wouldn't my mom—"

"She kicked me out. She doesn't want to hear from me."

He frowns. "Is she crazy? Why would she kick you out? Where are you staying now? Better not be with Hayes—"

"Bryson I'm with my parents right now. I haven't been around Hayes in a few weeks."

"He made you cry didn't he." It wasn't a question.

"Nah, I was overreacting. Tell me about you."

He smiles and goes on a little rant about his new routine.

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