Chapter 65

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When I get to the Kumar house Keithan is the only one up.

He invites me in to wait but I take the risk to wake up Keisha. I was told she and Marilyn settled their differences and fell asleep watching poor children get yelled at by everyone and anyone.

I was shocked at Keithan's room. How wealthy is this guy?

I lower the bed and sing softly. "Got to be there
Got to be there in the morning
When she says hello to the world
Got to be there
Got to be there bring her good times
And show her that she's my girl."

She slowly opens her eyes. She smiles.

"Good morning." I match the expression.

"It is a good morning." She yawns.

I scoop her up and quietly take her away.

I bring her to her room to get ready.

When she is done brushing her teeth and washing her face. She looks at me.

"What are you doing here?" She looks so confused.

I laugh hysterically. "You know. I gotta be there when my girl says hello to the world... I'm also taking you out for breakfast before we go to school so hurry up and get dressed."

"Alright. Get out."

"Why, it's not like I haven't seen—"

"Morning, Marilyn!" she says a bit too loudly, looking at the door.

"Good morning you two."

"Marilyn would you like to explain the house rules to this young man?"Keisha points at me.

"All of them?"

"Nah just the people in this room rule."

Marilyn's demeanour gets serious and it is scary. "I smell sex in this room she will suffer the consequences."

I'm confused. "What does that have to do with me being in here as she changes?"

I hit him with a pillow. "Playing with temptation? You are bold." Marilyn says.

"She literally sleeps—wait you slept with your shirt on. You've been doing that a lot lately." I have noticed.

"I think it happened when I'm extremely comfortable. And that happens with you a lot so Kahlil if we fall asleep together I don't think surprises are on the menu in the morning anymore."

"What's a surprise?" Marilyn asks and without thinking twice I say, "Keisha's bare chest in my face—" I'm being smothered with a pillow.

"That never happened!" Keisha lies to Marilyn.

I gently push her away from me. "Baby—"

"Don't you baby me—"

"Our reservation."

She nods. "Right."

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